Friday, June 10, 2011


Sponsor: International Educational Development

Title: Defending the Democratic Processes
Date: Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Time: 14:00 - 16:00 Hrs
Room: XXV
Place: United Nations Palais des Nations
Chair: Dr G N Fai
Speakers: Hon George Galloway, British House of Commons, Dr Karen Parker (IED delegate to the UN), Dr Marjan Lucas and Mr Altaf Hussain Wani (Azad Kashmir)
The symposium began by the passing remarks of the Chairman, Dr G N Fai, on the most dramatic changes taking place in 2011 in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen, etc.) and the preceding changes in Timor, where the citizens exercized their rights. Dr Fai, however, regretted that the UN resolution passed by its Security Council in 1948 has not been implemented. It is right time that the this forum should discuss positively to have the Kashmiri people right for their freedom. The people of Jammu and kashmir, presently being occupied by the colonial Indian democracy, since 15th August, 1947.
The first speaker of the present symposium was Hon Galloway, who is well known in the world to defend human rights. Giving a historical background of the Internationally Disputed Areas of Jammu and Kashmir (IDAJK), its people have every right to be independent. He said, based on the reports that more than 80,000 Kashmiri Muslims have been killed. He said that these are conservative figures. I would not be surprised if the statistics rise to more than 100,000 innocents killed. In summarizing his presentation, Hon Galloway said that either the IDAK disputed must be resolved quickly; or, else he would not be surprised if India breaks up due to prolonging the settlentment of IDJKA democratically, under the supervision of the United Nations.
Similarly, Dr Parker, Dr Lucas and Mr Wani presented highly informative facts and advocated an earliest solution to the problem of IDAJK.Mr Wani was of the opinion that Indian armed personnel have been causing a havoc in the IDAJK.
There were 15-min left for the discussion and chair, Dr Fai, asked to raise hands to make their comments, if there are any. Dr Sekhon was among the people who were looking forward to make their comments known and ask questions. The Chair was kind enough to ask Dr Sekhon you have the floor and briefly described his concerns. Dr Sekhon pointed out that what has been happening in the IDAJK is highly regrettable. As the Hon member of the House of Commons of the United Kingdom said there is a possibility of India's break up. In my view considering the situation of Punjab, the Sikh Nation, Assam, 7-sister of Assam as well as Tripura (8-sister of Assam), Manipur, Bihar's discontentment, it is not only the possibility, but it is a strong possibility of India's break up. Rather, it is imminent. This is in the view more than 3.4 million Sikhs have been killed, since 15th August, 1947. Aside from this it is not the 100,000, but according to the highly reliable source, the figures availbe from the ISAJK, the number of citizens killed are more than 500,000 since the dispute began. The problems of Assam where more than 15,000 casualities have deliberately been carried out, another 12, 000 of Tamils, 312,500 of the Christians, and numerous in Bihar and U P states. It seems that India has been using armed personnel to put down the voice of people, who are fed up with the corrupt Indian administrations of the alleged democracy.
Based on an 'undeclared' war in the form of "Operation Bluestar" in June, 1984, the PUNJAB had been like a 'Concentration Camp', youth of the reproductive age in particular became the victim of the 'Brahminical Indian administration'. So, the people of Punjab and other states be given the right of 'Self Determination', to demonstrate once and for all to tell the world's administrations how happy they are and how much they like the India's colonialism and suppression. For the information of the audience, Faridkot State of Punjab, Bikaner State of Rajasthan and Hyderabad of Andhra Pradesh's rulers have not signed the 'Document of Accession' to India.
A gentleman, supposedly from India, told that India has problems from its neighbours, Pakistan, and has been infiltration through the Line of Control, etc. And he walked away without listening to other participants of the session,which is not unusual with the Indians. Dr Sekhon was well prepared for the answers to his queries, provided the chair had permitted Dr Sekhon to answer. This gentle, an Indian, tried to distract the audience from the topic of discussion. Dr Sekhon, however, said that about 8 to 10 years ago, the western news media used to call India a 'poverty' ridden country. For the last 3 to 4 years, it has been propagated on airwaves by the western news media and its administrations, "India is a progressing country," Mr Chairman, ladies and gentleman. If it is a progressing country, then why does 70% population out of 1.2 billion go to bed hungary every night, 7-night in a week, and 365 days in a year? Is it because India is a profressing country. It is merely a 'hoax', Mr Chairman. Even in the agricultural fields of South India, agricultural labour survives on the 'Roasted rats' caught while earning their livelihood. 
Ladies and geltlemen, and the panel, what has been going on in India since its inception on 15th August, 1947, the Indian administration has 'terrorized' its citizens and its pheripheral neighbours; as such, I have no hesitation whatsoever in saying that India is no.1 'Terrorist' country of our world.
I could make more comments and raise issues, but in view of the participation by the audience, I would like to leave. Thank you, Mr Chairman for giving me the time from a highly limited question period.
The above symposium took place in Camera.
While going through a hallway, Dr Sekhon was approached by a commentator (Geo netwok?) and asked (Sardarji), could I take a few moments of yours before my camera. Would you mind it? Not at all, said Dr Sekhon.
Would you please air your concerns as to what you asked inside in the symposium? Dr Sekhon simply said, India's disintegration is on its way, because India is a police state. Democracies are by the people, but in India it is 'bye-bye' to the people. My holy and historic nation, PUNJAB, the Sikh Nation, is under India's occupation since 15th August, 1947. My institutions, the Sikh institutions, the Darbar Sahib Compex, Amritsar, is under the strong and tight grip of the Indian and India's blessed Punjab administration. The latter's chief may look like a Sikh, but he is a 'Brahmin' in the garb of a Sikh.
Both the Punjab administration and anti-Sikh administrations of Congress, BJP and other non-Sikhs have been destroying the PUNJAB of the Sikhs. That's why I had said that "India's break up is imminent.
Thank you, Sir, for interviewing me. May the Khudawand bless you.

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