Tuesday, May 31, 2011


OF PUNJAB SPECTRUM WEBSITE www.punjabspectrum.com,30th May, 2011

Sardar Shkhpreet Singh Udhoke
Editor in Chief

Piare Sardar Sukhpreet Singh Udhoke
Waheguruji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki Fateh!
The 'warning' letter No. 26654 of 30th May, 2011, to you by resorting with 'vilolence' as stated by the Brahmins-Hindus' part of 'terrorist', written by one Vinaik Rajwai, on the letter head of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' organization of its militants and fundamentalists is highly regrettable, but not surprised at all to the writer.
Mr Rajwai tals of your character and has left no stone unturned of your character assassination. From his this remark, he has totally ignore the 'Characeters of the Hindus-Brahmins' law-makers of the provincial legislative assemblies and the Lok Sabha alias the parliament of the New Delhi administration (NAD), New Delhi. If Rakwai would like to see the 'Heritage and character activities' of the Brahmins-Hindus, it must be nothing hidden from them what is seen the 'Caves of Khujraho', their Devdassi institution of their temples of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' demoncracy/democracy.
His warning to you is vindictiveness of the Brahmins-Hindus terrorism against the Sikhs, Muslims, Dalits, Christians, Manipur's people and the citizens of Assam and Assam's 7-sister states. Their bigotry is thoroughly discerned from the deeds of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' law-enforcing, armed (army, navey, airforce and paramilitary segments), intelligence, civil services personnel.
As far as the characters of the 'Brahmins-Hindus' politicians and law-makers, etc., are concerned, these devious, divisive, deceitful, apartheid practicing 'Brahmins-Hindus and their sister organizations, i. e., the Hindu Mahasabha (Mother of Evils, of all fundamentalist and militant organizations) must see the characters of their Bapu alias MK Gandhi (Father of the Brahmins-Hindus, since 15th August, 1947), JL Nehru, Rabinder Tagore (who had a common mistress) Indira Gandhi alias Maimuna Begum, Mohan Lal Sukhardia, Sanjoy Gandhi, a criminal AB Vajpayee, LK Advani, to cite only a few of hundreds of thousands of an artificial entity called the 'Brahmins-Hindus' alleged Indian democracy.
Mr Rajwai of Shiv Sena must not forget his own history, when the 'Brahmins-Hindus were 'Subservient' to the Afghans, Mughals, Sikhs, British, Portuguese, etc., for more than 3,500 years up until the morning hours of 15th August, 1947.
Rajwai and the 'Brahmins-Hindus' of the fundamentalist and militant parties must not forget that since 15th August, 1947, the NDA, armed, intelligence and foreign advisors have killed more than 3.4 millian Sikhs; more than 500,000 Muslims; 312,500 Christians; more than 500,000 Muslims of the Internationally Disputed Areas of Jammu and Kashmir state; more than 15,000 Manipuris, Assamese and Assam's 7-sister; 15,000 Tamils; hundrered of thousand Dalits; other non-Brahmins-Hindus citizens of the nationalities of the artificial entity of Nations, called Brahmins-Hindus India.
Rajwai and his fundamentalist Brahmins-Hindus must know that the NDA's armed forces and paramilitary forces of the Sikh Nation, Khalistan, PUNJAB (under the occupation of the Brahmins-Hindus' demoncracy/democracy) waged an 'undeclared' war in the form of "Operation Bluestar" of June, 1984 on the Sikhs of the Sikh Nation, PUNJAB, and killed more than 260,000 innocent Sikh infants, children, youth, elderly, male and female folks. During this 'undeclared' war, the Sikh Nation, PUNJAB was merely a 'CONCENTRATION CAMP', since 1st June, 1984. And the world knows.
Last but not the least, Mr Rajwai, you do not know how to write in a simple 'Hindus', as reflected in your above discussed letter, addressed to the Editor in Chief, Punjab Spectrum (www.punjabspectrum.com). It is my personal opinion that your actions and the actions of the Brahmins-Hindus have been driving nails into the 'Coffin of the alleged Indian democracy, India; where all non-Brahmin-Hindu minorities are humiliated, persecuted, killed in encounters and fake encounters, dehumanized, carried their 'genocide (educational, social,political, religious, etc.)', gross human rights violations; leaving their rape, torcher, terrorism, prosecution, etc.aside, since 15th August, 1947.
Further, the citizens of the 'Sikh Nation, Khalistan, PUNJAB' were 'robbed' on 15th August, 1947 and 'betrayed'. Let me tell you the Sikhs are kept Hostage in their own Sikh Nation, PUNJAB, which was the 'First Sovereign and Secular' of South Asia until 14th March, 1849. "The Sikhs' Struggle for their Sovereignty, Independence and political power, by peaceful means in accordance with Guru Granth Sahib and the Sikh Traditions, and the struggle will continue until the goal of the Sikh Nation, PUNJAB is attained."
May Waheguru ji, the Almighty Khudawand Bakhshinda bless you to understand the humanity.
Since to the Guru Khalsa Panth and Humanity,

Awatar Singh Sekhon (Machaki), Ph D, FIBA, RM (CCM)
Associate Professor (Retired), Medical Microbiology
Director (Former), National Centre for Human Mycotic Diseases CANADA
Editor in Chief, International Journal of Sikh Affairs ISSN 1481-5435

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Earth for Khalistan

pMj dirafvF dI mfilk Kflsqfn dI DrqI
Earth for Khalistan
pMjfb Kflsqfn dI DrqI, pMjfb vfsIaF dI mF, pMj dirafvF dI mflk awj qVPdI ‘qy ivlkdI iPrdI hY, ikAuNik ijhnF dI Kfqr myry puwqrF ny hws hws PFsI dy rsy cuMmy AunHF dy hwQoN awj mYN afpxy puwqrF dy KUMn nfl lwQ pwQ hoeI peI hF. ijhVy ihMdUsqfnIaF nMU afjLfd krfAux leI myry puwqrF ny jfnF vfrIaF-awj kI pqf sI AuhI ihMdUsqfnI myry Gr nMU awg lgfxgy. isWK kOm nfl ihMdUsqfnI ieMnF vwzf ivsLvfsLGfq krn gy-mYN kdI soc vI nhIN sI skdI. ieMny ksLt qF mYN muslmfnF jF aMgRyjF dy rfj vyly vI nhIN Jwly pr hux ieMnF ihMdUsqfnIaF dI qF awq ho geI. hr pfisAuN myry kMnF ivWc ihMdU bRfhmx awqvfdIaF dy bUtF dIaF tfpF twp twp krdIaF hn. mYnMU kdy dusLmxF dy idwqy jLKmF df drd nhIN hoieaf pr jdoN afpxy hI lUx Kf ky-mF df duwD cMuG ky hrfm kr dyx qF drd ieMnF hMudf hY, jo ik ibafn nhIN kIqf jf skdf.
awj mYN bYTI socF ivWc zuwbI hoeI hF, myrf lUx Kf ky hrfm krn vfly kihMdy hn asIN qyry hfsy moV ilaFdy hn, asIN qyry Gr ivWc rOxkF vfps lY afdIaF hn. dunIaF dy ieMnsfP psMd loko mYnMU dso-ijs mF dy puwqrF dIaF lfsLF Aus dy sfhmxy KUMn nfl lwQ pwQ peIaF hox, Aus mF leI ieh hfsy ‘qy rOxkF dI kI kImq ? aYsy mulk dI zYmokrysI dy kI arQ ? mYN pMjfb Kflsqfn dI DrqI ro ro ky dws rhI hF ik ijMnF ihMdUsqfnIaF dy rfj ivWc jLulm myry ‘qy hoieaf hY aqy ho irhf hY-sLfied hI pihlF hoieaf hovy. awj ihMdUsqfnI hr jLflm, cfhy Auh iksy vI QVy df hovy, myry jLKmF ‘qy mlm lfAux dI QF lUx imrcF hI BuwkI jf irhf hY aqy kih irhf hY ik asIN qyry Gr dy hfsy vfps lY aFdy hn. agr swc muwc hI myry Gr dy aFgn ‘c hfsy vfips af gey hMudy qF myry jKmF df ielfj ho jfx qoN bfad qF sLfied hux qwk jLKmF dy dfg vI imwt gey goxy sI aqy mYN pUry sMsfr dy dfnsLmMdF nMU pukfr pukfr ky dsdI iPrdI ik mYN hux hr pwKoN KuwsL hF, ikAuNik myry puwqrF dIaF sLhIdIaF (kurbfnIaF) by kfr nhIN geIaF. pr ieh sB kuwPr qol ‘qy bol rhy hn. myry puwqrF dIaF lfsLF nMU qF ieWk mItr kwpVf vI nhIN lwBdf. ijhVI mF dy sfhmxy puwq dI lfsL peI hovy, Aus mF dy idl ‘qy kI bIqdI hY, ieh qF isrP mF hI jfxdI hY, mF nMU hI pqf hMudf hY, jLulm kmfAux vfly jLflm nMU nhIN.
koeI smF sI jdoN koeI POjI CutI afAuNdf sI qF Aus df ipMz ivWc bhuq iejLq mfx siqkfr hMudf sI. pr huwx jd koeI POjI njLr afvy qF bwcy vI Aus vwl kOVI awK nfl qwkdy hn, ik ieho ijhy POjIaF ny hI sfzy drbfr sfihb aMimRqsr ‘qy hmlf kIqf sI. pihlF jdoN ikqy pMjfb ivWc POjIaF dI gwzI lMGdI qF myry ipafry ipafry bwicaF ny qF kI, myry isafxy bjLurgF ny vI KVHy ho ky slUt mfrny. pr hux jd POjIaF dI gwzI lMGdI hY, qF hr ieWk mF ieho socdI hY ik pqf nhIN awj ikhVI aMmI dy jfey dI blI cVHnI hY. pqf nhIN awj ikhVI mF dy klyjy df ruwg Biraf jfxf hY.
ihMdI ihMdU ihMdUsqfn dy qKqy jo vI srkfr bYTI, Aus ny afpxI hkUmq dOrfn myry ‘qy hr qrHF dy pYNqVy bdl bdl ky dyK ley, jLbr jLulm dI iksy ny koeI ksr bfkI nhIN CwzI. jo koeI zfktr ieh socy ik mrIjL TIk nf hovy pr myrI jyb notF nfl BrdI rhy, qF ies qrHF df bhuqI dyr qwk nhIN cldf rih skdf. jLKm vwDI jf irhf hY, jLKm df jy ielfjL hoey qF hI Aus ny TIk hoxf ey. jy zfktr swcy idloN zfktrI krdf hovy qF jLKm TIk hox nMU icr nhIN lgdf. iehI hfl awj pMjfb Kflsqfn df hY. ihMd srkfr zfktr bxI bYTI hY aqy pMjfb Kflsqfn mrIjL bxyaf bYTf hY.
myry puwqrF, Bgq isMG, AUDm isMG, krqfr isMG srfBy, aqy hor anykF ny, ihMdI ihMdU ihMdUsqfn nMU afjLfd krfAux leI sLhIdIaF idwqIaF. hux jdoN myry sLhId puwqrF dy vfrsF ny afpxy hwk mMgy qF idlI ny jrfiem pysLf df iKqfb gwl ‘c pf ky kihxf sLurU kr idwqf ik qyry puwqr qF awqvfdI, vwKvfdI, KfVkU, zfkU, cor, lutyry, pfiksqfn dy eyjMt, dysL dy gdfr hn.
myry ipafry puwqro, quhfzI mF qF pYroN nMgI-isroN nMgI-qn dy kwpVy lIrF lIrF, mMn duKI, afqmf vlMUdrI hoeI, srIr myrf awD Julisaf hoieaf, mYN dr dr Qwky KFdI, jy iksy kol afpxf duwK ProldI hF, qF sMsfr dy lok suwx ky iKV iKV hsdy hn. ik bhfdr ‘qy sLyr idl puqwrF dI mF hfloN byhfl hoeI iPrdI hY aqy ies dy puwqr Kuwd hI phfVIey bRfhmxF hwQoN pfVo ‘qy rfj kro dI nIqI df isLkfr ho ky, ieWk dUsry nMU hI nIvF idKfAux leI kmrksy krI iPrdy hn. mYN afpxy ipafry ipafry bwicaF nMU bynqI krdI hF, ik dyKo quhfzI mF ihMdU awqvfdIaF dy hwQoN jLKmI hoeI peI hY aqy qusIN GroN byGr hoeI iPrdy ho. hux smF hY ik ieWk vfr afpxy guwsy igly Buwlf ky ieWk vfr iekwTy ho jfAu aqy ihMdUsqfnI bRfhmx ihMdU awqvfdI dusLmx nMU sbk isKf idAu.
idlIey qUM BfvyN mYnMU qurn XogI nhIN Cizaf, qMU myry puwqrF ‘qy myry sfhmxy qsLdd krn dI, jylHF ‘c kYd krn dI, JUTy puils mukfbly bxfAux dI koeI ksr nhIN CwzI, pr iPr vI mYN qYnMU cYlMj krdI hF, ik jdoN qwk myry puwqrF nMU KflsqfnI hwk nhIN iml jFdf, AudoN qwk qMU aqy qyry cmcy kdy suwK dI nINd nhIN sON skdy. qMU BfvyN myry puwqrF ‘c ienF Prk puaf idwqf hY ik Auh afps ivWc ieWk dUjy nfl gwl krn nMU iqafr nhIN hn. pr idlIey qMU vI ieh Xfd rwK ik Auh bPfdfr qyry vI nhIN. ijs idn myry puwqrF ‘c eykf ho igaf, Ausy idn idlIey pMjfb Kflsqfn coN qyrf ibsqrf gol ho igaf smJIN. idlIey qMU Aus pMjfb Kflsqfn dI DrqI mF bfry soc ijs dy puwqrF ny qYnMU rfj gwdI ‘qy ibTfieaf. qYnMU-qyry dusLmxF qoN-jLflmF qoN-lutyiraF qoN-Koh ky rfj Bfg sMBfilaf. hux qMU idlIey afpxy dusLmxF vfly rfhy pY ky, myry isWK pirvfrF dI kfql bx bYTI hYN. kwlH nMU qyrI vI KYr nhIN.
idlIey qUM ieWk gwl myrI iDafn nfl sux aqy Xfd rwKIN, mYnMU myry gurUaF ny jLulm sihx dI qfkq aqy iPr jLflm nMU soDx dI sLkqI bwKCI hoeI hY, pr qyry pfs ieh bKsLsL nhIN hY. kwl qYnMU myry puwqrF ny afjLfd krfieaf sI, hux iehnF ny qYQoN afpxI pMjfb Kflsqfn dI DrqI mF nMU afjLfd krfAuxf hY. Cwp rhI pusqk ivcoN.

prmjIq isMG syKoN (dfKf)
Parmjit Singh Sekhon (Dakha)
nf mYN ihMdUsqfnI, nf mYN pfiksqfnI, mYN hF KfilsqfnI.

1984 qoN     , myrI ivcfrDfrf KfilsqfnI.
1985-1990, luiDafxf dI nvIN ‘qy purfxI jylH, aMimRqsr jylH, pitaflf jylH, nfBf sikAUrtI jylH, nfl nfqf juiVHaf irhf.
1985-1986, jnrl skwqr, ijlHf luiDafxf, afl ieMzIaf isWK stUzYNts PYzrysLn.
1986-1990, jnrl skwqr, ijlHf luiDafxf, isWK stUzYNts PYzrysLn.
1991 qoN      , azvfiejLr, kONsl afP Kfilsqfn.
1992-1998, jnrl skwqr amrIkf XUint, ieMtrnYsLnl isWK XUQ PYzrysLn.
1992-1998, pwqrkfr amrIkf, avfijL kOm aKbfr ieMglYNz.
1999 qoN      , mflk, Kfilsqfn sn sfien kYb kMpnI.
2002-2004, jnrl skwqr amrIkf XUint, dl Kflsf pMjfb.
2004 qoN     , pRDfn, dl Kflsf alfieSs.
2009 qoN     , aOrgynfiejLr, brkly tYksI kYb aYsosIeysLn.
2010 qoN      , pRDfn, ieMtrnYsLnl isWK swiBafcfr susfietI.
2010 qoN      , mYNbr, BfeI GneIaf susfietI.
2011 qoN      , mYNbr, pMjfbI sfihq sBf kYlyPornIaf (by eyrIaf XUint)
2011 qoN      , cIP aYzItr, PrIzm post.

iswK hwkF dI rfKI leI,
hMblf sfzf – sfQ quhfzf.
quhfzy imlvrqx aqy ivcfrF dI AuzIk rhygI.
Kflsqfn ijLMdfbfd

Dal Khalsa Alliance USA Holds Seminar on Khalistan

Dal Khalsa Alliance USA Holds Seminar on Khalistan
WASHINGTON, D.C., September 20, 2006 - Dal Khalsa USA held a seminar on Khalistan in Fremont, California from August 25 to August 27. The seminar focused on the need to liberate Khalistan, the Sikh homeland, from Indian occupation. Khalistan is the Sikh homeland that declared its independence from India on October 7, 1987. Speakers included Dr. Gurmit Singh aulakh, President of the Council of Khalistan, Dr. Awatar Singh Sekhon, Managing Editor of the International Journal of Sikh Affairs, Dr. Ajit Pal Singh Sandhu, Colonel Arjinderpal Singh Sekhon (US Army Reserve), and others. The seminar was organized by Sardar Paramjit Singh Sekhon, President of Dal Khalsa USA, and Sardar Gagandeep Singh, General Secretary of Dal Khalsa USA.
The speakers addressed the need for the Sikh Nation to reclaim it lost sovereignty and escape from the oppression of the Indian government, which has murdered over 250,000 Sikh infants, children, youth, men, women, and elderly since 1984, as well as more than 300,000 Christians in Nagaland, over 90,000 Muslims in Kashmir, tens of thousands of Christians and Muslims throughout the country, and tens of thousands of Assamese, Bodos, Dalits, Manipuris, Tamils, and other minorities.
Indian police arrested human-rights activist Jaswant Singh Khalra after he exposed their policy of mass cremation of Sikhs, in which over 50,000 Sikhs have been arrested, tortured, and murdered, then their bodies were declared unidentified and secretly cremated. Khalra was murdered in police custody. His body was not given to his family. No one has been brought to justice for the kidnapping and murder of Jaswant Singh Khalra. The only witness to the Khalra kidnapping, Rajiv Singh Randhawa, has been repeatedly harassed by the police, including having been arrested for trying to hand a piece of paper to then-British Home Secretary Jack Straw. The police never released the body of former Jathedar of the Akal Takht Gurdev Singh Kaunke after SSP Swaran Singh Ghotna murdered him. He has never been tried for the Jathedar Kaunke murder. In 1994, the U.S. State Department reported that the Indian government had paid over 41,000 cash bounties for killing Sikhs. A report by the Movement Against State Repression (MASR) quotes the Punjab Civil Magistracy as writing "if we add up the figures of the last few years the number of innocent persons killed would run into lakhs [hundreds of thousands.]" The Indian Supreme Court called the Indian government's murders of Sikhs "worse than a genocide."
The MASR report states that 52,268 Sikhs are being held as political prisoners in India without charge or trial, mostly under a repressive law known as the "Terrorist and Disruptive Activities Act" (TADA), which expired in 1995. Many have been in illegal custody since 1984! There has been no list published of those who were acquitted under TADA and those who are still rotting in Indian jails. Tens of thousands of other minorities are also being held as political prisoners, according to Amnesty International. Last year, 35 Sikhs were charged and arrested in Punjab for making speeches in support of Khalistan and raising the Khalistani flag. "How can making speeches and raising a flag be considered crimes in a democratic society?" asked Dr. Aulakh.
Missionary Graham Staines was murdered along with his two sons, ages 8 and 10, by a mob of militant, fundamentalist Hindu nationalists who set fire to the jeep, surrounded it, and chanted "Victory to Hannuman," a Hindu god. Missionary Joseph Cooper was beaten so badly that he had to spend a week in an Indian hospital. Then the Indian government threw him out of the country. None of the people involved has been tried. The persons who have murdered priests, raped nuns, and burned Christian churches have not been charged or tried. Police broke up a Christian religious festival with gunfire. Recently, militant Hindus from the Bharatiya Janata Yuva (a youth movement affiliated with the BJP and the Fascist RSS) attacked the Convent of Loreto and the school there. 13 Catholic schools remain closed and a spokesman for the BJP, Mr. H. Dikshit, demanded an investigation of the school!
The murderers of 2,000 to 5,000 Muslims in Gujarat have never been brought to trial. An Indian newspaper reported that the police were ordered not to get involved in that massacre, a frightening parallel to the Delhi massacre of Sikhs in 1984. The most important mosque in India, the Babri Mosque, was destroyed by militant Hindu fundamentalists who have never been held responsible for their actions.
"I am honored to be a speaker at this seminar and very pleased that Dal Khalsa USA is holding these activities to focus the attention of America and the world on the plight of the Sikhs in Punjab, Khalistan and the need for a sovereign, independent Khalistan," said Dr. Aulakh.
History shows that multinational states such as India are doomed to failure. Countries like Austria-Hungary, India's longtime friend the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, and others prove this point. India is not one country; it is a polyglot like those countries, thrown together for the convenience of the British colonialists. It is doomed to break up as they did. Currently, there are 17 freedom movements within India's borders. It has 18 official languages. "We hope that India's breakup will be peaceful like Czechoslovakia's, not violent like Yugoslavia's," Dr. Aulakh said.
Dr. Aulakh stressed his commitment to the peaceful, democratic, nonviolent struggle to liberate Khalistan. "The only way that the repression will stop and Sikhs will live in freedom, dignity, and prosperity is to liberate Khalistan," said Dr. Aulakh. "As Professor Darshan Singh, former Jathedar of the Akal Takht, said, 'If a Sikh is not a Khalistani, he is not a Sikh.'," Dr. Aulakh said. "We must free Khalistan now."
This material is circulated by the Council of Khalistan, which is registered with the Department of Justice (DOJ) in Washington, DC under the Foreign Agents Registration Act as an agent of the Council of Khalistan, Golden Temple, Amritsar, Punjab. The material is filed with the DOJ where the required registration is available for inspection. 
Registration does not indicate approval of the contents by the U.S. Government.

Parmjit Singh Sekhon (Dakha)
Dal Khalsa Alliance

Hindu Militants

Hindu Militants
WASHINGTON, D.C., October 22, 2008 ? The wave of violence against Christians in Orissa continues.  Militant Hindu nationalists affiliated with the militant, pro-Fascist Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS), have called for a nun who was raped by their activists to be arrested and they have reportedly sought to wipe out all traces of Christianity from Orissa. On October 21, a group of Hindu women from the Rashtra Sevika Samiti - an outfit affiliated to the Sangh Parivar (an organization under the umbrella of the RSS) - demonstrated to demand the arrest of a nun who was raped during the violence that erupted in the area in August.  ?They want to arrest the victim,? noted Dr. Gurmit Singh Aulakh, President of the Council of Khalistan.  ?That is offensive to anyone?s sense of decency.?  Asia News reported that the Sangh Parivar, another Hindu fundamentalist group affiliated with the RSS, ?[is] becoming more methodical. Sometimes with police assistance they prevent Christians from meeting to pray, try to murder new converts, and are trying to take over the land where churches and Christian homes once stood in order to wipe off the face of the earth any trace of Christian presence.?
Dr. Aulakh made it clear that the Council of Khalistan and the Sikh Nation support the Christians in fighting the oppression.  ?We are on your side,? he said.  ?First it was Sikhs, Muslims, Dalits, now Christians,? he said, referring to a wave of Christian oppression that has been raging since Christmas 1998.  ?The rape of any woman is shameful,? he said, ?but especially a nun.  Nuns renounce sex and are ?married to Christ.?  Raping them is an attack on the Christian religion itself,? he said.   ?They have tried to wipe out Sikhism and Buddhism.  Now the Indians are trying to wipe out Christianity.?  Dr. Aulakh?s efforts to help Christians have been praised by John Dayal, President of the All-India Christian Council.
The latest attacks in Orissa are part of an ongoing campaign of violent harassment of Christians that has been going on since Christmas 1998.  Churches have been burned, Christian schools have been attacked, and Christian prayer halls have been vandalized.  Missionary Graham Staines was murdered in 1999 in Orissa by a mob of militant Hindus chanting ?Victory to Hannuman,? (a Hindu god) while he slept in his jeep, along with his two sons.  The killers have never been punished.  Missionary Joseph Cooper was so severely beaten that he had to spend a week in an Indian hospital, then he was expelled from the country.  Many nuns have been raped and made to drink their own urine.  Priests have been murdered.  The Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP), an organization under the umbrella of the militant, pro-Fascist, Hindu nationalist Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS), justified these crimes by calling the nuns ?antinational elements.?  The RSS, the parent organization of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), has published booklets on how to implicate Christians and other minorities in false criminal cases.
In April, according to Compass Direct, about 70 violent Hindu nationalists chased and threatened two Christian women from a Gospel for Asia Bible college after a Christian worship service.  They burned the church.  All the Christians escaped except the two young women.  The Hindu militants threatened, ?We will burn you like Graham Staines and his children!?  A leader of the BJP was quoted as saying that everyone who lives in India must either be a Hindu or be subservient to Hindus.
India has murdered over 250,000 Sikhs since 1984, according to figures compiled by the Punjab State Magistracy and human-rights groups and reported in the book The Politics of Genocide by Inderjeet Singh Jaijee.  It has also killed over 90,000 Kashmiri Muslims since 1988, 2,000 to 5,000 Muslims in Gujarat, more than 300,000 Christians in Nagaland since 1947, and thousands of Christians and Muslims elsewhere in the country, as well as tens of thousands of Assamese, Bodos, Dalits (?Untouchables,? the dark-skinned aboriginal people of South Asia), Manipuris, Tamils, and other minorities.  The Indian Supreme Court called the Indian government's murders of Sikhs "worse than a genocide."
According to a report by the Movement Against State Repression (MASR), 52,268 Sikhs are being held as political prisoners in India without charge or trial.  Some have been in illegal custody since 1984!  Amnesty International reported that tens of thousands of other minorities are also being held as political prisoners.  We demand the immediate release of all these political prisoners.
Dr. Aulakh noted that the repression of the Sikhs has echoes in the repression of the Christians.  ?It is sad that in the name of religion, violent acts like this are carried out,? Dr. Aulakh said.  ?We strongly condemn the violence against Christians, which is sadly reminiscent of the violence that has been committed against Sikhs, Muslims, and others,? Dr. Aulakh said.  ?They murdered several priests and they murdered Staines and beat Cooper.  Similarly, the Indian government murdered Sardar Gurdev Singh Kaunke, Jathedar of the Akal Takht.  If you are a religious leader of a non-Hindu religion in India, you are in danger,? he said.  ?The burning of churches and the vandalism of prayer halls and schools is an attack on fundamental religious institutions.  These attacks on churches remind me of the Golden Temple attack.  They constitute an attack on the religion itself,? Dr. Aulakh said.  ?That is unacceptable, especially in a country that promotes itself as a secular democracy.?  He noted that India recently signed a civil nuclear agreement with the United States.  ?I call on the Bush Administration and its successors to work with India to ensure that basic human rights are enjoyed by Sikhs, Christians, Muslims, Dalits, and all the people living under Indian rule,? he said.  ?We must continue to press for our God-given birthright of freedom,? he said.  ?Unfortunately, the Indian government does nothing but encourage and support this repression and violence.  Is this the face of modern Hinduism and the so-called secular India??
Mail By
Parmjit Singh Sekhon (Dakha)
Dal Khalsa Alliance

Council of Khalistan 21st Annual Convention

Council of Khalistan 21st Annual Convention
Very Successful Much Progress in Last Year
FREMONT, CA., October 12, 2008 – Delegates came from Canada, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Yuba City, California, and many other locations to the Council of Khalistan's 21st annual convention, which was held October 11-12, 2008 at Gurdwara Sahib Fremont in Fremont, California. The convention was very well attended and successful. The local Sangat of the Bay Area was very enthusiastic and attended in large numbers. The meeting began with Ardas (Sikh prayer.) Delegates presented their views on how to achieve Khalistan and expedite its liberation. Many resolutions were passed, including resolutions in support of a sovereign, independent Khalistan, condemning the establishment of Deras by fake gurus, and other resolutions. "These Deras are a danger to the Sikh religion," said Dr. Gurmit Singh Aulakh, President of the Council of Khalistan.
"I would like to thank the Sangat of Fremont, especially Gurdwara President Sardar Harjot Singh Khalsa, Gurdwara Secretary Sardar Satnam Singh Khalsa, and Advisor Paramjit Singh Sekhon, for hosting this wonderful event and for their hard work in making it happen," said Dr. Aulakh.
Speakers included Dr. Aulakh, Dr. Awatar Singh Sekhon, Sardar Jasbir Singh, Sardar Manmohan Singh Randhawa, Bhai Amardeep Singh Amar, Bibi Manjit Kaur Sekhon, Sardar Sukhchain Singh, Sardar Paramjit Singh Sekhon, Sardar Jagtar Singh, Dr. Ranbir Singh Sandhu, Sardar Jaspreet Singh, Sardar Avtar Singh Missionary, Professor Makhan Singh, Sardar Parminder Singh Prawana, Sardar Gurmit Singh Barsal, Sardar Karnail Singh Khalsa, Sardar Madan Singh, Sardar Ala Singh, Sardar P.S. Shahi, Sardar Amrit Pal Singh, Sardar Jagdeep Singh Katro, and Sardar Jaswant Singh Dhaliwal. The Sikh Educational Trust of Canada presented a DVD entitled "Dr. Gurmit Singh Aulakh: His Life and Mission", prepared by Sardar Kavneet Singh Pannu of Philadelphia. Dr. Sandhu said that "the Sikh Raj will be of the Khalsa Panth, not of any individual." He also noted that "we can't prepare a list of the youth killed [by the Indian government] because [Chief Minister Parkash Singh] Badal played a role in stopping it."
Dr. Aulakh reviewed the progress during the last year. He presented a report on human rights violations at the UN Commission on Human Rights meeting in Geneva in June. Dr. Awatar Singh Sekhon, Director of the Human Rights Wing of the Council of Khalistan, also attended the Commission on Human Rights meeting in September and presented a memorandum from the Council of Khalistan. The convention passed a resolution commending commission Chairman Charles Greaves for holding these hearings.
India has murdered over 250,000 Sikhs since 1984, according to figures compiled by the Punjab State Magistracy and human-rights groups and reported in the book The Politics of Genocide by Inderjeet Singh Jaijee. Dr. Aulakh reported that Sardar Jaijee and Bibi Baljit Kaur of the Movement Against State Repression (MASR) told him that if it were not for the efforts of the Council of Khalistan, that number might be ten times as high. Remember that former Member of Parliament Balram Jakhar said, "to preserve the unity of India, if we have to eradicate 2 crore (20-million) Sikhs, we will do so." They urged Dr. Aulakh to continue this work.
The Council of Khalistan has preserved the history of the Sikh Nation since 1984 through more than 1500 statements in the Congressional Record by many Members of Congress of both parties. "We thank all these Members of Congress, current and former, for their help," Dr. Aulakh said. These statements are being preserved in a book published by the Vishav Sikh Council entitled The U.S. Congress on the Sikh Struggle for the Independence of Khalistan, which will be published by the end of the year. It will probably be a two-volume set, as it is over 2,000 pages. These two volumes should be displayed in every Gurdwara, every Sikh home, and libraries throughout the world.
India has also killed more than 89,000 Kashmiri Muslims since 1988, over 300,000 Christians in Nagaland since 1947, and thousands of Christians and Muslims elsewhere in the country, as well as tens of thousands of Assamese, Bodos, Dalits ("Untouchables," the dark-skinned aboriginal people of South Asia), Manipuris, Tamils, and other minorities. The Indian Supreme Court called the Indian government's murders of Sikhs "worse than a genocide."
According to a report by MASR, 52,268 Sikhs are being held as political prisoners in India without charge or trial. Some have been in illegal custody since 1984! Amnesty International reported that tens of thousands of other minorities are also being held as political prisoners. We demand the immediate release of all these political prisoners.
Sikh activists have been arrested for holding peaceful marches, making speeches, and raising the flag of Khalistan. Recently, the Jathedar of the Akal Takht, Sri Singh Sahib Joginder Singh Vedanti, was forced out of office by allies of Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal and the Akali Dal. The Akalis are in a political alliance with the militant, Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which is determined to destroy the Sikh religion.
Delegates spoke in support of independence for Khalistan and discussed the need to remain active at the grassroots level. They stressed the need for the active participation of the local Sangat, not only in Fremont but worldwide. A resolution was passed expressing the urgent need for the Gurdwaras to take responsibility for financing the Washington office.
The money of the Gurdwaras belongs to the Sikh Nation and that money is to be used to disseminate, promote, propagate, and protect the Sikh religion. The Washington office is doing that. The Council of Khalistan has preserved the true history of the Sikh Nation since 1984 by documenting every major incident in the Congressional Record, internationalizing the Sikh struggle for independence, and exposing the Indian government's repression against the Sikhs and other minorities.
Indian police arrested human-rights activist Jaswant Singh Khalra after he exposed their policy of mass cremation of Sikhs, in which over 50,000 Sikhs have been arrested, tortured, and murdered, then their bodies were declared unidentified and secretly cremated. He was murdered in police custody. His body was not given to his family.
"Only a sovereign, independent Khalistan will end the repression and lift the standard of living for the people of Punjab," said Dr. Gurmit Singh Aulakh, President of the Council of Khalistan. On October 7, 1987, the Sikh Nation declared its independence from India, naming its new country Khalistan. "Democracies don't commit genocide."
History shows that multinational states such as India are doomed to failure. Countries like Austria-Hungary, India's longtime friend the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, and others prove this point. India is not one country; it is a polyglot like those countries, thrown together for the convenience of the British colonialists. It is doomed to break up as they did.
"As Professor Darshan Singh, a former Jathedar of the Akal Takht, said, 'If a Sikh is not a Khalistani, he is not a Sikh'," Dr. Aulakh noted. "We must continue to press for our God-given birthright of freedom," he said. "Without political power, religions cannot flourish and nations perish. India claims to be a democracy. It is time it recognized the right of self-determination for all people in South Asia."

Parmjit Singh Sekhon (Dakha)
Dal Khalsa Alliance

Khalistan Flag Hoisted in California

Khalistan Flag Hoisted in California
At an event on July 3 in Turlock, California, Sardar Paramjit Singh Sekhon and Sardar Gagandeep Singh of Dal Khalsa America, invited Dr. Gurmit Singh Aulakh, President of the Council of Khalistan, to hoist the flag of Khalistan. The Council of Khalistan is the government pro tempore of Khalistan. It is leading the struggle for Khalistan's independence. Dal Khalsa has led several marches and other events in Punjab to promote independence for Khalistan, the Sikh homeland that declared its independence from India on October 7, 1987. The event was shown throughout India on an Indian television channel called Aaj Tak on July 6. Dr. Aulakh was interviewed by a California representative of Voice of America.
As soon as Dr. Aulakh raised the flag, slogans of 'Khalistan Zindabad' (Long live Khalistan) were raised. Speakers at the event spoke out strongly for a free and independent Khalistan. Speakers included Dr. Awatar Singh Sekhon from Canada, Dr. Aulakh, Sardar [Paramjit Singh] Sekhon, Sardar Ajit Singh Pannu, Dr. Ranbir Singh Sandhu from Tracy, California, Sardar Karj Singh Sandhu from Philadelphia, Dr. Paramjit Singh Ajrawat, Sardar Dharam Singh Bains of Philadelphia, and others.
'If anyone speaks out for freedom, the Indian government labels them terrorists,' Dr. Aulakh said. 'This is not going to work. Everyone knows the modus operandi of the Indian government.' The Indian government has murdered over 250,000 Sikhs since 1984, more than 300,000 Christians in Nagaland since 1948, over 90,000 Muslims in Kashmir since 1988, and tens of thousands of Tamils, Assamese, Bodos, Manipuris, Dalits, and others. The Indian Supreme Court called the Indian government's murders of Sikhs 'worse than a genocide.'
According to a report by the Movement Against State Repression (M.A.S.R.), 52,268 Sikhs are being held as political prisoners in India without charge or trial. Some have been in illegal custody since 1984! 'These prisoners never committed any crime but peacefully speaking out for Sikh freedom,' said Dr. Aulakh. 'How can there be political prisoners in a democracy?' he asked. 'We demand the release of all political prisoners,' he said.
'As Professor Darshan Singh, a former Jathedar of the Akal Takht, said, 'If a Sikh is not a Khalistani, he is not a Sikh,' ' Dr. Aulakh noted. He added that the event in Turlock was in line with the strong sentiment for freedom in Punjab, Khalistan. 'We must work hand-in-hand, the Sikh diaspora and our Sikh brothers and sisters in Punjab, Khalistan, until the glow of freedom shines on a free and sovereign Khalistan,' he said. 'I thank Sardar Sekhon for organizing this event.'
'The flame of freedom still burns bright in the hearts of Sikhs despite the deployment of over half a million Indian troops to crush it,' Dr. Aulakh said. 'Last year, Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh signed a bill cancelling the agreements that allowed the diversion of Punjabi water to non-riparian states. The bill asserted the sovereignty of Punjab. Sardar Atinder Pal Singh, another former Member of Parliament, held a seminar on Khalistan in Punjab. It was well attended and featured outstanding presentations, including one by Professor Gurtej Singh, I.A.S., [S.G.P.C.] Professor of Sikhism,' he said. 'Dal Khalsa has held marches through Punjab demanding the establishment of an independent Khalistan.'
On the anniversary of the Indian government's military attack on the Golden Temple, the center and seat of Sikhism, last month, Dal Khalsa, the Khalsa Panchayat, the Shiromani Akali Dal (Amritsar), Damdami Taksal, the Sikh Student Federation (Bittu), and the Akal Federation marched through the streets of Amritsar demanding freedom for Khalistan. They carried posters of the demolished Golden Temple and distributed pamphlets on the life of Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale, a Sikh leader who was murdered in the Golden Temple attack along with General Shabeg Singh, Bhai Amrik Singh, and others. Bhindranwale was a strong advocate of Sikh freedom. Dal Khalsa also raised the flag of Khalistan on Republic Day, January 26. 35 Sikhs were arrested at that time.
Some of them have been denied bail. Cases were registered against dozens of Sikhs for raising the Sikh flag at the Golden Temple on the anniversary of the Golden Temple attack in the presence of over 30,000 Sikhs. Warrants have been issued for their arrest. Those charged include Dal Khalsa leaders such as Kanwarpal Singh Bittu, Sarabjit Singh Ghuman, Dr. Manjinder Singh Jandi, and others, as well as former Member of Parliament Simranjit Singh Mann.
History shows that multinational states such as India are doomed to failure. Countries like Austria-Hungary, India's longtime friend the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, and others prove this point. India is a polyglot like those countries, thrown together for the convenience of the British colonialists. It is doomed to break up as they did. Steve Forbes, writing in Forbes magazine, said that India is a multinational, multiethnic, multireligious, multicultural, multilinguistic state that is doomed to disintegrate like the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
'We must continue to pray for and work for our God-given birthright of freedom,' Dr. Aulakh said. 'Without political power, religions cannot flourish and nations perish.'

Parmjit Singh Sekhon (Dakha)
Dal Khalsa Alliance

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Dr. Aulakh, 139 Others Removed From Indian Blacklist

Dr. Aulakh, 139 Others Removed From Indian Blacklist
Will Have No Effect on Effort to Liberate Khalistan
Beware of Secret Agenda
WASHINGTON, D.C., May 25, 2011 – The Indian government has removed Dr. Gurmit Singh Aulakh, President of the Council of Khalistan, and 139 other Sikhs from their blacklist, which prevents their entry into India.  The Council of Khalistan is the government pro tempore of Khalistan, the Sikh homeland, which declared its independence from India on October 7, 1987.  The Council of Khalistan was formed at that time to lead the struggle to liberate Khalistan.  It is committed to the liberation of Khalistan by peaceful, nonviolent, democratic means.

“This will not make any difference to the movement to free Khalistan,” Dr. Aulakh said.  “I will be happy to go to Punjab to hoist the flag of a sovereign, independent Khalistan.  Only in a free Khalistan will the Sikh Nation prosper and get justice,” he said.  “But  there should not be  such a list.  How is it that a democracy maintains a list barring peaceful activists from the country?” he said.

Among those also removed from the list were Dr. Paramjit Singh Ajrawat, a doctor and pro-Khalsitan activist from Maryland, and U.S.-based Sikh activist Sardar Ganga Singh Dhillon.  Although Mr. Dhillon talks about Khalistan to American audiences and sometimes wears a saffron turban in public, he and Dr. Sohan Singh told the magazine Fateh Nama, printed in Amritsar, that they have never asked for Khalistan.  The book Chakravyuh: Web of Indian Secularism includes correspondence from Indian intelligence saying that Dhillon and others, including Didar Singh Bains and Dr. Jagjit Singh Chohan, had pledged to help suppress the Sikh freedom movement in North America after the 1984 attack on the Golden Temple.

Dr. Aulakh warned that there might be a hidden agenda in the government's action.  “They could be sending a signal that there is no Khalistan struggle anymore, to discourage Sikhs from supporting the cause,” he warned.  Dr. Aulakh noted that the Indian government started the militancy themselves to terrorize the population and give the cause of Sikh freedom a bad name.  Police would pose as militants, demand food and money, and rape Sikh women, then the next day the police would come back, charge the residents with “harboring militants”, and beat them.

A report issued by the Movement Against State Repression (MASR) shows that India admitted that it held 52,268 political prisoners under the repressive “Terrorist and Disruptive Activities Act” (TADA) even though it expired in 1995. Many have been in illegal custody since 1984. There has been no list published of those who were acquitted under TADA and those who are still rotting in Indian jails. According to Amnesty International, there are tens of thousands of other minorities being held as political prisoners. MASR report quotes the Punjab Civil Magistracy as writing “if we add up the figures of the last few years the number of innocent persons killed would run into lakhs [hundreds of thousands.]” According to Sardar Mann, the Indian government has murdered over a million Sikhs since 1982.  This aligns with a threat made by the former Speaker of the Lok Sabha, Balram Jakhar, who said, "If we have to kill a million Sikhs to preserve our territorial integrity, so be it." India has also killed more than 300,000 Christians in Nagaland, over 100,000 Muslims in Kashmir, tens of thousands of other Christians and Muslims throughout the country, and tens of thousands of Tamils, Assamese, Manipuris,  and others. The Indian Supreme Court called the Indian government's murders of Sikhs "worse  than a genocide.”

“Khalistan’s freedom is nearer than ever,” said Dr. Aulakh.  “India is destined to fall apart soon.”  Last year, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) predicted that India will break up by 2015.  India is a multinational state thrown together by the British colonialists for their administrative convenience.   The breakup of India is inevitable.  On February 27 in Jalandhar, former Member of Parliament Sardar Atinder Pal Singh, President of the Shiromani Akali Dal (Khalistani), was arrested along with four other members of his party while putting up banners supporting Khalistan.  He was putting up the banners in preparation for a press conference about Khalistan.  Sardar Atinder Pal Singh was elected to Parliament in 1986 as an independent from Patiala.  In 2009, Sardar Daljit Singh Bittu, President of the Akali Dal (Panch Pardhani), was arrested for displaying pictures of Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale and speaking out in support of an independent Khalistan.  Two leading Sikh activists were arrested for peacefully protesting the construction of a statue to honor Beant Singh, the late Chief Minister who presided over the murder of tens of thousands of Sikhs.  A few years ago, 35 Sikh activists were arrested for making speeches and raising the flag of Khalistan.  Sedition charges were filed against 19 Sikh activists, including Dal Khalsa President Harcharanjit Singh Dhami.  Yet Dal Khalsa and other organizations had events to mark Khalistan Resolution Day on April 29, the anniversary of the 1986 resolution supporting an independent Khalistan.

“As Professor Darshan Singh, a former Jathedar of the Akal Takht, said, ‘If a Sikh is not a Khalistani, he is not a Sikh’,” Dr. Aulakh noted. “Two other Jathedars, Bhai Ranjit Singh and Joginder Singh Vedanti, have taken the same position.  The Sikh Nation should listen to these Jathedars,” he said.  “It is time to liberate Khalistan.”

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Editor Khabarnama

aYzItr sfihb jI (Kbrnfmf) hfs rs
siqkfr Xog aYzItr sfihb jI, gurU Pqih kihx nMU jI nhIN krdf, ikAuNik gurF dy idKfey mfrg ‘qy cwl ky “zf:vYd BfeI, amrjIq isMhu dy ipCokV bfry swc ilwKx dI quhfzy ‘c ihMmq nhIN. siq sRI akfl blfAux nMU vI hONslf nhIN pYNdf, ikAuNik quhfzy Auqy ihMdI ihMdU ihMdUsqfnI hkUmq dy zr df afrf ltkdf rihMdf hY. nmskfr kih dyx nMU vI mMn nhIN mMndf, ikAuNik myrf mMn quhfzy qoN bhuq duwKI hY. kfrn isrP ieWk Cotf ijhf, ik afp ny dfs dI ieWk vI vfrqf Buwl ky vI, KflsqfnI vYbsfiet ‘c nhIN lfeI. quhfzy brkly vfly pwqy Aupwr axigxq vfr mYN afpxIaF hwQ ilKqF zfk rfhIN, Byj Byj ky Qwk tuwt cuwkf hF. myrIaF ilKwqF nMU, KflsqfnI ivbsfiet ‘c QF nf dyx krky qusIN bhuq inkMmy isD hoey ho. dfs ny afp kol pihlf Kbrnfmf “pMjfbI gBrUaF dI mihPl” zfk rfhIN phMucdf kIqf sI, qusIN sLfied Aus nMU anpV gfvfr dI ilKwq jfx ky QF nhIN idwqI. agr mYN afpxy Kbrnfmy ‘c “mihPl muitafrF dI” Byjdf, qF sLfied qusIN Aus nMU muwK pMny ‘qy QF dyxI sI.
dfs ny bhuq soc ivcfr qoN bfad, ieh inrxf kIqf ik quhfzy Aupwr iksy phfVIey bRfhmx df jF iksy srkfrI ansr df dosL lwgf ky, quhfqoN iknfrf kr lvF, aqy agoN hor quhfnMU koeI vI Kbrnfmf nf Byijaf jfvy. ieWk CotI ijhI pqRwkf clfAux vfly ny afpxy afp nMU gorimMt afP Kflsqfn df bulfrf smJ rwiKaf hY.
idmfg TMzf hox ‘qy soicaf, Cwz A mUwrK mMnf bwlz pRysLr vDfAux df kI Pfiedf. aYzItr ivcfry df ies gl ‘c kI ksUr hY. pqf nI hor vI bDyry dfs vrgy, aYry gYry, kory kfgj dI ihwk nMU, kfly iKaflF dI isafhI nfl, kflf kr kr ky zfk rfhIN ivcfry ‘qy ipafry aYzItr jI df myl bfks BrI rwKdy hoxy ny. pMjfbI mF bolI dI syvf krn dy nfm Qwly, ihMdI ihMdU ihMdUsqfn dI syvf krI jfx vfly, hox hfr aYzItr jI, iks iks dI jMk myl Proldy irhx. dfs dI jMk myl qwk qwk ky, aYzItr sfihb jI dI jF qF QoVI bhuqI inGf jLrUr kmjLor ho geI hovygI, nhIN qF awKF ‘c kuwkry jLrUr ho gey hoxgy, ikAuNik ies ilKq kfr dI ilKfeI ies qrF dI hMudI hY, ijvyN iksy kbfVIey dy sfiekl ‘c, PYV pYx qoN bfad, clx vkq DrqI ‘qy lkIr pYNdI hY. iPr ieWk hor Purnf Puiraf, ik ikqy myry vwloN aYzItr sfihb nMU Byjy KbrnfimaF ‘qy, ihMdUsqfnI gMdI soc dy jLulm rUpI sYNsr df afrf nf iPr igaf hovy. ikAuNik awj klH ihMdUsqfnI soc dy sYNsr rUpI afry ny, KflsqfnI pwKI pyprF df jIAUxf hrfm kr ky rwiKaf hoieaf hY.
dfs ny, aYzItr sfihb jI quhfnMU myl rfhIN(zfk rfhIN), “isWK swc vfdI Kbrnfmf” Byijaf sI, mYnMU pUrf XkIn hY, ik Kflsqfn ivroDI soc vflI sYNsr ny Aus nMU “isWK vKvfdI” Kbrnfmf jfx ky kfbU kr ilaf hoxf hY. ies gl qoN vI ienkfr nhIN kIqf jf skdf, ik zfkIaf ikqy myry KbrnfimaF nMU, AunHF nihrF ‘c nf roV idMdf hovy, ijWQy kdy pMjfb puils ny isWK nOjvfnF dIaF lfsLF nMU roiVaf sI.
aYzItr sfihb jI, mYN quhfzy ‘qy gusf krky ikhVf quhfnMU dwPqr coN bfhr kwZ dyx leI, iksy isafsI pfrtI dy muwK spIkr ijMnI qfkq rwKdf hF. dfs vwloN quhfnMU Byjy gey Kbrnfmy, quhfzy qwk nf phMucx dy hor vI anykF kfrn ho skdy hn, ijnHF vfry mYN soc skdf hF, pr ilwK ky idl dI BVfs nhIN kwZ skdf. pr hux mYnMU hr pwKoN pUrI AumId hY, ik qusIN myrf ieh Kbrnfmf iml jfx ‘q,y PrIzm post ivWc jF ivbsfiet ivWc jLrUr lgf ky, mYnMU bfgo bfg kr idAugy. aqy afpxy sbMD ies qrF dy pYdf kr lAugy, ijs qrF :-ieMzIaf ‘qy pfiksqfn dy.
siqkfr Xog, hoxhfr aqy zrpok bujidl kfier, ipafry aYzItr jI, qusIN ies vfr dfs dI ilWKq nMU, pypr ‘c ikqy nf ikqy, KUMjy KFjy ‘c QF hr hflq ‘c dy ky, mYnMU qusIN afpxy aihsfn dy krjy Qwly ies qrF dwb lYxf, ijs qrF pMjfb, idlI dy krjy Qwly myry afpxy bjurg lIzrF dIaF glqIaF dy kfrn ligaf hoieaf hY.
ieWk idn mYN jI tI roz ‘qy jgrfAuN qoN ipMz dfKy nMU skUtr ‘qy af irhf sI, qF rsqy ivWc sLFm nMU cONkImfn kol puils nfky ‘qy mYnMU rok ilaf. myrf nMvf ivafh hoieaf krky sonf pfieaf hoieaf sI, ijs nMU qwk ky puils vfly qF mYnMU ies qrF pY gey, ijvyN cMbl GftI dy zfkU-cMdn dI lwkV nMU, nfly puils vfly ikhx ik mulFpur vflf suinafrf iesy kMjr ny luitaf hoxf. myrf sfrf sonf lfh ilaf nfly shuiraF vwloN idwqI GVI vI. qlfsLI dOrfn myrI jyb coN nhU kwtx vflf ktr iml igaf, ijs AuwWqy myz ieMn jpfn iliKaf sI, Aus nMU qF ieWk pulsIaf ies qrF Jwpt ky ipaf ijvyN Aus nMU myry koloN ey ky 47 rfiePl iml geI hovy. mYnMU skUtr dfj ivWc nvF imilaf hox krky, ajy Aus dI nMbr plyt nhIN sI afeI, kuwJ hPqy hoey sI KrIdy nMU. ibMnF nMbr plyt dy skUtr nMU dyK ky, puils ny corI df skUtr afK ky jbq kr ilaf. myrI kwlI kwlI cIj puils vwloN, luwt lYx qoN bfad, jd mYnMU Kqrnfk mMuzf afK ky gwlF krn lgy, qF mYN mOkf bcf ky Bwj igaf. qF dUsry idn quhfzy hI aKbfr ivWc myry vfry Kwbr lwgI, ik ieWk Kqrnfk KfVkU “prmjIq isMG dfiKaF vflf” BfrI puils mukfbly qoN bfad Bwjx ivWc sPl, pr puils vwloN Aus dI Bfl ivWc QF QF Cfpy jfrI hn.
iPr mYN JUTy puils mukfbly dI khfxI bfry aqy mYN afpxy bfry quhfnMU ilWK Byijaf sI, pr qusIN afpxy pypr ‘c dfs nMU Kqrnfk KfVkU jrnYl bxf idwqf. jd ik dfs jwtF dy Gr ‘c pYdf ho ky hwl vI nhIN cMgI qrHF clf skdf qF iPr hiQafr ikvyN clf skdf hY. dfs ny quhfnMU “myrf Kbrnfmf” nfm Qwly ieh ilWKq ByjI sI. ies ilKwq nfl qusIN vI “awg lfeI zbU kMD qy” df rol adf krnf cfihaf. qusIN myry ies Kbrnfmy nMU KUb imrc msflf lgf ky “srkfrI jbrnfmf” dy nfm Qwly qMdUrI ickn vFg, pypr dy muwK pMny dI awg ‘c Buinaf. AudoN vwzy vzy aYzItorIal ilwK ilWK ky qusIN vI srkfry drbfry dI bhuq lfh pfh kIqI sI, aMq kI hoieaf ? izktytr iswLp cflU ho geI. qusIN Aus df mukfblf krn leI, qqBVqI aqy suihrd pfTk AupRMq amlI BuwKy nMgy Twg cor Xfr, sB iekwTy krky ieWk mIitMg kIqI. mIitMg qoN bfad qusIN afpxIaF ienHF POjF dy nfl, srkfry drbfry ‘qy ies qrF hmlf kr idwqf, ijvyN amrIkf dy buwsL dIaF POjF ny ierfk ‘c sdfm husYn Aupwr hmlf kIqf hovy.
siqkfr Xog aYzItr sfihb jI, dfs ny quhfnMU, “idlI ivWc ihMdUUsqfnI lwKF msUkF dI hVqfl” vfry myl zfk rfhIN Kbrnfmf Byijaf sI, afp ny Kbrnfmy df nfm bdl ky “idlI ivWc ihMdUsqfnI lwKF mjLdUrF dI hVqfl” ilWK ky srkfry drbfry nMU BfjVF puaf idwqIaF. agr afp ny nfm hI hor ilKxf sI, qF iPr “idlI ivWc ihMdUsqfnI lwKF afsLkF dI hVqfl” hI ilwK idMdy. afp dysL dI buZI lIzr isLp df rqf vI iKafl nhIN krdy. AunHF ivcfiraF nMU pwqf KVkx ‘qy vI dOry pYx lg jFdy hn. socdy hn ikqy ieh KflsqfnI KfVkU XoiDaF df hmlf hI nf hovy. afp iehnF kmjor idl lIzrF dy hfrt Pyl hox ‘qy Kuwd jLMumyvfr hovogy.
pMjfb df hr pwKoN byVf grk krn dI soc rwKx vfly aqy srkfry drbfry dIaF jUTIaF pwqlF cwt ky gujfrf krn vfly, hoxhfr isWK aYzItrF dI qrF, qusIN vI TuMmxy dyx vfly PrI stfiel aYzItorIal Cfpxy sLurU kro, nhIN qF bhuq ipCy rih jfAugy. agr quhfzy ivWc GtIaf drjy dI ihMmq hY, jF srkfrI pwQr dI dlyrI hY, qF qusIN myrf Kbrnfmf “hYlo bfbf sfry cor” Cfpx dI hr hflq ‘c qMgidlI nhIN idKfAugy.
aYzItr sfihb, hux dfs ies Kbrnfmy df aMq krnf cfhMudf hY, ikAuNik bhuq lMmy lMmy Kbrnfmy quhfnMU ilWK ilWK ky, hux mYN Kuwd bor ho irhf hF. pqf nhIN hor ikMny hI myry vrgy hoxhfr ilWKqkfr, quhfnMU ilWKqF lVIvfr ByjI jFdy hovxgy aqy qusIN vI pVH pVH bor hMudy rihMdy hovogy. mYN ieWk ijAuNdf jfgdf ilWKx dI sLkqI rwKx vflf BUq hF, ies leI mYN CyqI kIiqaF quhfzy vrgy gflVI aYzItrF df ipwCf Cwzx vflf nhIN. CyqI kIiqaF mYN iksy dy ipWCy pYNdf nhIN-jy iksy dy ipWCy pY jfvF qF CyqI kIiqaF ipWCf Cwzdf nhIN.
dfs aglf afpxf Kbrnfmf “idlI ivWc muhbq CVy ‘qy ivafihaF dI” ilWK ky dysL dy pRDfn mMqrI mnmohx isMG aqy sfbkf pRDfn mMqrI vfjpfeI nMU ‘qy pMjfb dy muwK mMqrI nMU zfk rfhIN Byj idaFgf. ikAuNik myrf Byijaf qusIN pypr ‘c lfAuxf nhIN, lIzrF nMU qusIN jvfb dyxf nhIN. myry vwloN ihMdUsqfnI lIzrF nMU Byjx nfl quhfzI isrdrdI Kqm ho jfAU, afpy Auh zfk Koldy rihx ‘qy pVHn leI tkrF mfrdy rihx. pr mYN afpxy vwloN ies qrF dy KbrnfimaF df islslf, Ausy qrF jfrI rKFgf-ijs qrF Kflsqfn ‘qy kCmIr nMU afjLfd krfAux leI, ihMdUsqfn vwl nMU pfiksqfn vwloN GuspYT.
asLuB ieCfvF dy nfl, Kbrnfmf bMd krn leI dfs nMU quhfzI afigaf dI loV nhIN.
quhfzf afpxf
by afigafkfrI
afjLfdI df ivroDI
gulfmI df afsLk
PulwkV isMG bydrdI
pwkf pqf zf:amrjIq isMhu qoN puwCxf pAu

nyqf jI PulwkV isMG bydrdI
ipMz qy zfkGr, muhwbq pur
qihsIl, psLUaF dI mMzI
ijWlHf, PokIaF PwVF
sUbf, bxn dI skIm hyTF
mulwk jLmIn hyTF
siq sRI akfl.

Why Khalistan?

Why Khalistan?
By: Bijla Singh
Khalistan is the Sikh homeland. By definition it means land of pure people. Currently it is under Indian government's control. Some people support it, some don't. Many people have different opinions about how to free Khalistan. Some people are just totally confused. So the purpose of this article is to explain why Khalistan is needed, how to free it and what free Khalistan will be like etc.
First, it is important to talk about why Khalistan is needed. Khalistan is not a destiny, it is a necessity. Guru Gobind Singh Ji said: "Raj Bina Nahin Dharam Chale Hain, Dharam Bina Sab Dalle Malle Hain" which literally means that sovereignty is a MUST in order for a religion to survive; otherwise religion perishes. Now you can understand that even Guru Gobind Singh Ji himself has said it. There are many reasons why we (Sikhs) need Khalistan. I will give you some reasons starting from the beginning.
We shouldn't live with Hindus for many reasons. Hindus have always betrayed Sikhs. From the time of Gurus, Hindus have always been against Sikhs. You can't find a single name of a Hindu who was loyal to Sikhs. During two holocausts in the 18th century and many wars against Mughals, Sikhs did not receive any help from Hindus, not even from Rajputs and Marathas. It was Hindus who betrayed Sikhs and helped British army to take over Punjab, Khalistan which included all of Pakistan and some of the Indian states like Kashmir, Haryana and Himachal Pardesh. For doing this Hindu Dogras got Kashmir and the rest of the country became part of the British empire. Sikhs had fought for helpless Hindus and freed their women from Muslim invaders for two hundred years and this is how Hindus returned the favor. Even Punjabi Muslims fought against British from the side of the Sikhs but not the Hindus. Punjab was never part of India. Name "India" didn't even come until the east India company. British had occupied the whole of India but then Punjab was not part of British empire. It was a separate country. British ruled over India for more than 200 years and for 92 years over Punjab, Khalistan. After British took over Punjab it became part of British empire and when India gained independence it was handed over to the Indian government to be ruled. It was because of Hindus that Sikhs lost their country.
Before India became independent the Hindus leaders of the new nation Nehru and Gandhi promised that Sikhs would be given full rights in India and that no law would be passed without consulting Sikhs.
"...in future, the Congress shall accept no constitution which does not meet with the satisfaction of the Sikhs" (The Lahore session of the Congress Party. December 31, 1929)
"...the brave Sikhs of Punjab are entitled to special considerations. I see nothing wrong in an area set up in the North of India wherein, the Sikhs can also experience the glow of freedom." (Jawahar Lal Nehru, Lahore Bulletin, January 9, 1930)
"I ask you to accept my word and the Resolution of the Congress that it will not betray a single individual much less a community. Let God be the witness of the bond that binds me and the Congress with you (the Sikhs). When pressed further Gandhi said that Sikhs would be justified in drawing their swords out of the scabbards as Guru Gobind Singh had asked them to, if Congress would renege on its commitment." (Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Young India, March 19, 1931)
"You (Sikhs) take my word that if ever the Congress or I betray you, you will be justified to draw the sword as taught by Guru Gobind Singh" (M. K. Gandhi).
After the British left India, Sikhs were fired from their jobs and Hindus were hired. Then Indian constitution was written but Sikhs refused to sign it in the house of parliament  because under Amendment (Dhara) 25 it declared Sikhism as part of Hinduism. When Sikhs talked to Nehru about their rights, he said "The time has changed now. If you wanted to live freely then why didn't you demand for a separate country from British?" Look at some more quotes that explain the real attitude of Hindus towards Sikhs.
" To preserve the unity of India, if we have to eradicate 2-kror [ 20 millions ] Sikhs, we will do so. (Balram Jhakhar, a colleague of P.V. Narsimharao, the former Indian Prime Minister)
" The Sikhs are a lawless people and a menace to the law abiding Hindus ... The [Government] should take strict measures against them." (Pandit Nehru, Indian Prime Minister, on Sikhs)
"Kya main taqat dushman (the enemy -the Sikhs) ke haath main de dun (How can I entrust power into the hands of the enemies)." (Jawahar Lal Nehru, 1961)

" I hate the very physique of a Sikh because of the turban and beard. " (Vallabh Bhai Patel, late Indian top politician)
"I don't give a damn if the Golden Temple and whole of Amritsar are destroyed, I want Bhindranwale dead." (Indira Gandhi, Indian Prime Minister, communicating with Gen. Vaidya during "Operation Blue Star")
"We have broken the back of the Sikhs and we will get them elsewhere." (M. M. K. Wali, Indian Foreign Secretary, June 7, 1984, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, Radio 740, As It Happens)
"Let us teach these bastards (the Sikhs) a lesson." (Rajiv Gandhi, October 31, 1984)
"... a threat to the villagers that all males would be killed and their women taken to army camps to breed a new race if there was any militant activity in their village." (Brig. R. P. Sinha, Indian Army, March 8, 1991)
"You do not know the might of our armed forces. We will eliminate 10,000 Sikh youths and the world will know nothing about it." (Chander Shekhar, former Prime Minister of India, CK, 21st October, 1991)
When China attacked India from the side of Nepal and Kashmir, coincidentally, Nehru was near Nepal. When he heard the news of war, he forgot all about his peaceful speeches and called for the army. The military didn't arrive there for a few days. There were only 500 Sikhs who fought China and held Chinese army back. Nehru was saved by Sikhs and he came back to Delhi. As soon as he came back he said "How can I entrust power into the hands of the enemies?" Nepal's side was saved but China took over some of Kashmir which is still under their rule.
In India all states were created on the language basis but Punjab was not declared a Punjabi State. Sikhs started demanding for a Punjabi state and Sikhs launched a peaceful morcha. More than 100,000 Sikhs were arrested but the government paid no attention to this matter. Nehru said "If there ever be a Punjabi state then all Sikhs will have to move to Punjab and the government will not be responsible for their safety." The morcha went on. During this morcha, Indian police walked in Darbar Sahib with their shoes on and tear gas was thrown inside the main building. In 1965 the war broke out between India and Pakistan. It was Sikhs who fought bravely and defeated Pakistan. Hindus couldn't stand in front of Pakistan's army. After seeing loyalty of Sikhs, Indian government decided to create a Punjabi state but it was divided into three parts Haryana, Himachal Pardesh and whatever left was became Punjab. Other two parts became Hindi states and Punjab was declared a Punjabi state. Punjab was divided on purpose because Indian government had seen bravery of Sikhs and the government was afraid that if Sikhs turn against Indian government, they will take over or if they by any chance demand for a free Punjab then they won't have much land. Indian government also divided the Sikh army into many battalions. Indian government always wanted to divide Sikhs and it did by walking on the steps of British and adapting their theory called "divide and rule."
The Indian government says Punjab was divided on the basis of language . The government says Sikhs did not occupy the majority in Punjab and Punjabi was not spoken in all parts of Punjab. But the fact is, the Indian government didn't want Sikhs to become majority which would make Hindu majority the leader of Punjab. In Patiala, when Sikhs outnumbered Hindus by 14,000, Nehru and Patel moved about 30 thousand Hindus in Patiala to show that Sikhs were a minority. Hinduism is a caste religion. Low caste people didn't have any rights in India. So they started converting to Sikhism because Sikhism gives equality to all people. Number of these low caste people were about 140 to 150 million and they were from 34 different castes. Seeing this Nehru and Patel gave more rights to low caste people and said only Hindus will have these rights. This stopped their conversion. Only 4 out of those 34 castes were considered Sikhs. Others claimed themselves as Hindus. Today, low caste people like Harijans have more rights. They even have reserved seats in colleges regardless of their grades. This was because of Patel.
Furthermore, Punjab's capital Chandigarh was also made the capital of Haryana. There is no high court in Punjab. Punjab has no control over its water, electricity and dams. All the electricity produced in Punjab is sent to Haryana, Rajasthan, Himacham Pardesh and Delhi. These states are given hydro projects which is affordable and cheap. The electricity that Punjab is given comes from the thermal plant which is more expensive. Don't think its better for Punjab. Instead it is worse because most of the electricity will be used by farmers who happen to be Sikhs. This means they will have to pay more than others. It doesn't effect Hindus because they live in cities and work in other professions. Cheap electricity which belongs to Punjab and which could save Sikh farmers some money is given to the other Indian states.
The government increased its activities against Sikhs in late the 70s which led to massacre of thirteen Sikhs in 1978 who were peacefully protesting against an Indian agent who was preaching anti Sikh material. When Sikhs filed a case in the supreme court in Punjab, it was heard in Haryana because the majority was Hindus in that state. Those majority people (Hindus) accused Sikhs for causing the trouble and the agent and his followers were released. This really outraged Sikhs. At that time a person named Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale started preaching Sikhism in Punjab and all over India. He spoke against Indian activities against Sikhs. His speeches made Sikhs realize that they were not free in India. They were being treated like second class citizens. Sikhs started demanding more rights and wanted to be treated like first class citizens.
Sikhs launched a peaceful march. A band of 51 Sikhs would go to protest peacefully and would get arrested by the police. But Indian government didn't care and more than 150,000 Sikhs were arrested. This lasted for more than two years. In between this time, the police burnt copies of Sri Guru Granth Sahib at Mehta Choank, killed many Sikhs in fake encounters. But not a single case was filed. On the other hand when a Hindu was killed by police, prime minister Indira Gandhi herself came over to his house and gave his family money. His case was filed within hours. But police and the government did not do anything when copies of Sri Guru Granth Sahib were burnt. Many Sikhs were killed but their families didn't receive anything from the government. Indian government completely showed that one Hindu's life was more important than not only 150 Sikhs that were killed but also Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.
When Sikhs lost all the hopes from the government, they raised arms as instructed by Guru Gobind Singh Ji to get freedom. Seeing this Indian government launched a sudden attack on Golden Temple and killed thousands of Sikhs. Other 45 Gurdwaras were also attacked by the army. Women were dishonored. Many innocent children were killed. After the attack was over all Sikhs inside the Golden Temple were taken out, lined up and then shot dead. Reference library which included many hand written scriptures and priceless antiques was burnt. One bullet had gone through Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Indian troops walked inside Golden Temple with their shoes on. They smoked cigarettes, drank alcohol inside the Gurdwara which was highly disrespectful to the Sikh faith. If there was Khalistan, there would have been no attack on the Golden Temple.
After Indira Gandhi was killed, Hindus killed more than 5,000 Sikhs within five days and these riots were led by the congress. Sajjan Kummar (still alive), Lalat Makan and Arjan Das (killed by Sukhdev Singh and Harjinder Singh) were congressmen who played a major role in these riots. They were gives orders by Rajiv Gandhi, Narsima Rao and Attal Bihar Vaajpai (Indian prime minister now). Many Hindu criminals were released from jails to kill Sikhs and each was given 500 rupees and one bottle of liquor. Congressmen gave Hindus the list of Sikhs' properties and their home addresses. Hindus went from house to house, dragged Sikhs, especially young males, out of their homes and burnt them alive. Their properties were looted and destroyed. Hindus' target was to kill Sikh males from age 10 to 40. Women above age of 14 were dishonored. This went on without any interruption from the police. In fact, the police was helping these mobs. Every bus on the road was stopped and checked if there were any Sikhs traveling in it. If they found any Sikh, he was killed on the spot. Police was motivating the mobs by saying "If Sikhs were given even one day to kill Hindus, they would've killed all Hindus in India. You, on the other hand are too slow." These brutal things happened to Sikhs in India. If there was Khalistan there would've been no riots and Hindus wouldn't have dared to attack Sikhs.
Sikhs are being killed in fake encounters. There is disappearance of Sikh youth in Punjab. Indian government has killed from 1 to 1.2 million Sikhs and about 70 thousand Sikhs are in jail. Here are some of the methods of torture, humiliation and atrocities used by Indian Government against the Sikhs. These are taken from www.saintsoldiers.net
To interrogate the Sikhs, a round log of wood is placed on their legs, and after putting heavy weight on the log it is rotated on the legs.
Chilly powder is sprinkled in the eyes and sex organs of the Sikhs.
Sikhs are hung upside down from the ceilings till they became unconscious.
The body joints are battered.
Electric shocks are administered to the genitals making most of the youth impotent
Sikh women, during interrogation, are hurt in their sex organs. Filthy abuse is showered on them.
Violence is inflicted on the parents in presence of their sons and daughters and vice-versa.
Brothers are forced to beat sisters and vice versa. violence is inflicted on adult girls after stripping them naked and their sex organs are damaged. They are sexually assaulted, pregnancies are terminated of the expectant females.
Crotchets are pulled apart.
The victims of inhuman violence are made to sit naked in winter, and under the sun in summer, kept sleepless for days in solitary cells.
Sikhs are subjected to severe beatings and filthy abuse in the presence of their village folks.
Dead bodies of Sikhs killed in fake encounters are not handed over to their parents to conceal marks of excessive violence
The state manipulates tailored post mortem reports from the doctors, and burns the dead bodies of the Sikhs after falsely declaring them unclaimed.
All sorts of excesses are made on the parents of underground Sikh youths.
Indiscriminate atrocities are committed on the parents of the underground youth of the area where some militant action takes place.
Atrocities are committed without caring for one's age, health, life or death. If some one luckily survives such brutal excesses, it is well and good But if one dies while under "interrogation", then such a dead body is taken out, pierced with some bullets, and a news item is sent that a dreaded terrorist has been shot dead in an encounter
Houses of underground Sikh youths are demolished, their belongings are looted, crops destroyed, their tube well motors are taken away, and they are prevented from sowing crops.
Even animals of the families of underground Sikh youth are subjected to police anger. After summoning the families to the police station, villagers are told not to take care of the animals of the families of the underground youth. Generally the animals starve to death.
False cases are registered against innocent Sikh youths, later they are let off taking fat bribes.
Reporters giving true reports are arrested, an undeclared censorship is imposed on them to stop them from exposing police atrocities.
Peaceful protests by the Human rights organizations are prohibited.
Press is used to launch vicious and false propaganda against the Sikhs.
Hardened criminals are inducted into Sikh movement to help in arresting the Sikh revolutionaries and sabotage the movement. Such criminals are inducted to tarnish the fair name of the Sikh revolutionaries are now called the "Black Cats" in the Punjab. Under SSP Izhar Alam, such criminal gangs were named the "Alam Sena." Besides, such police sponsored bands of criminals also operated under the name of Panthic Tiger Force and "Red Brigade." The director general of the police himself admitted about the "Black Cats" bands. In his interview to the India Today on Sept. 15, 188, KPS Gill had announced without an iota of shame that the security forces in Punjab cannot do anything without the help of secret bands (Black Cats).
Thousands of innocent pilgrims, children, females, aged people, who got encircled in the Golden Temple during Operation Bluestar were made to die through starvation and thirst. The whole of Punjab was converted into a vast jail by clamping curfew on the entire area. The army bulletin branded all Amritdhaaree's as terrorists.
Indian army desecrated the Gurdwaras and committed such atrocities on the Sikhs that even the soul of Ahmed Shah Abdali might have felt ashamed of.
The targets of army guns were none else but religious persons, devotees, pilgrims, ladies, old people, children or some militants whom the Indian government deemed as terrorists.
No neutral observer was allowed to take stock of the situation.
The injured during the attack on the Golden Temple were subjected to extreme partiality. Whereas every assistance and facility was made available to the injured army personnel, there was no such provision for the wounded belonging to the other side.
The number of prisoners taken was rather small. There is ample scope for doubt that the Indian army had thought it better to eliminate the thousands of people seized in the Golden Temple instead of taking them prisoners or having to provide them with medical assistance.
No need was felt to perform religious rites for the dead pilgrims and devotees.
Before consigning the dead bodies to flames, no effort was made to identify them. No relatives were informed.
No dead bodies were handed over to the next of kin. In such a situation only the dead or those wishing to be dead could be present at the last rites.
All dead bodies were placed in heaps and then con- signed to flames. IT was never insured that among the dead there could also be some Muslim devotees. To cremate is against the tenets of Islam.
No need was felt to give a list of the dead to the Red Cross or any other International Agency
Despite such atrocities, no commission was appointed to go into this dark episode. Even the British, the foreign rulers, had cared to appoint the Hunter commission to inquire into the Jallianwalla Massacre which was of a much less magnitude on the other hand. The Indian government, on the other hand, took all steps to hide the excesses of the army.
These days, Indian government has flooded Punjab with Dehdhari Gurus (human fake Gurus) who preach against Sikhism. RSS, Shiv Sena and Bajrang Dal with the support of Indian government are distributing drugs in colleges. Sikhs are being humiliated in newspapers, on televisions and in movies. Anti-Sikh books are being published by the government to prove that Sikhism is part of Hinduism and Sikhs are Hindus although they will never succeed. If there was Khalistan, there would be no bars in Punjab, no anti Sikh propaganda, no humiliation of Sikh character by the media, and no drug distribution on the land of the Gurus.
Some people have many different questions on Khalistan. So I will try to answer those question to the best of my knowledge. First lets look at what American Sikhs of Sikhnet.com say about Khalistan.
"The Gurus believed in creating harmony between people of different faiths, so that we could all live together as children of the same God. Khalistan, to me, doesn't support that mission. It creates even more divisions in the name of religion when the Khalsa are here to protect and serve so that religions don't divide people any more. If all of the money, time and energy different people spent on trying to create Khalistan were instead channeled into securing true freedom of religion for all people, the Sikhs would be loved, honored and admired. Sikhs are here to serve the interests of the entire humanity, not just their own interests. This is what a sovereign does. Remember, the Khalsa are the spiritual royalty of the world. We are here to rule-not through power and politics, but through love and service. We are here to protect-not ourselves, but all people. We are here to secure that every human being has a chance to enjoy his or her life the way God intended. That is our duty. Khalistan distracts us from that duty."

    Yes, Gurus did believe in creating harmony between people of different faiths but what if those faiths turn against us and don't let us fulfill our mission which is Khalsa's mission, then what? Shouldn't we fight for our rights as instructed by Guru Gobind Singh Ji? What is the meaning of the Kirpan if we don't fight for freedom? It is not about land, it is about freedom of religion, speech and everything else. Guru Gobind Singh Ji said that Khalsa should live a free life, but how can we live a free life under someone else's rule especially Hindu rule? Guru Gobind Singh Ji taught Sikhs to stay away from "Bipran Ki Reet". The only way to stay away from it is by having the freedom to fully practice our religion. Since 1947, more and more Sikhs have started following Bipran Ki Reet but not a single Sikh followed Bipran Ki Reet in 18th century. When Sikhs had their own country (1799-1849), it was the best era in Sikhism. Look at all the good things Sikhs did. Sikh population increased significantly. People from America and many European countries lived in the Sikh Kingdom. Did Sikhs not serve the humanity then? Who was not happy in the Sikh country? Not a single person was unhappy and no one was given a death sentence. At the fall of Sikh kingdom Hindus and Muslims both shed tears. This shows that Khalsa treated everyone equally. That's why people of all faiths cried from their hearts when British annexed Punjab.
In order to serve the humanity you need lots of money and power. To get money you need a country that would back you up. For example, how did Christian missionaries serve the humanity? They had many countries behind them which gave them all the money they needed. In India, Christian schools were opened by missionaries but the money was provided by England and America. If we have Khalistan, we can do better job in preaching the message of truth. Without political power, it is impossible because there will always be people against you and your religion. Indian government and Brahmins are well aware of Gurus' message but they are doing their best job to destroy it because they are jealous of it. After learning the truth about Sikhism, the British tried to make many conflicts between Sikhs and tried to destroy the Sikh religion. Why were there no converts from English people after they learned the truth? Simple, its because they were jealous because Sikhism preaches the message of truth which conflicts with Christianity.
If we have Khalistan, it is a lot easier to do the job. Khalistan will provide money for preachers who would preach the truth. People will only hear you when you have the power, otherwise they will crush you. For example, famous scientist Galileo discovered the truth but did anyone listen to him? He didn't have any political power, so he was killed. Those Christian priests didn't listen to him even though he was telling the truth. If we send a Sikh preacher to preach to any country like Afghanistan, he would be killed because Muslims would not tolerate anything that conflicts with Islam. Then who would be responsible for his death? No country would put force on Afghanistan's government to punish the murderers. But if the same preacher is sent from Khalistan, he has political power behind him which means its less likely that he would be killed. There will a country behind him that supports him. Khalistani government would put pressure on Afghanistan's government to hand over the murderers so they could meet the justice. People will listen to Sikhs if Sikhs have power. Through power we can teach that people shouldn't fight in the name of religion and should live together. We should be worried about our safety first. By living in Khalistan, we can set an example for the people. Who would listen to you if you have no recognition in the world?
People would have better knowledge about Sikhism. If people see a person with a turban, they would say he is a Sikh from Khalistan. But today if a Sikh is seen, he is misunderstood to be a Muslim or Hindu. If a Sikh says he is from India, most people automatically assume he is a Hindu. How many people really know about the Sikh religion? Sikhism is more than 500 years old and yet only some 30 million people know the message of the Gurus. WHY? If there is Khalistan, the message of Gurus can be preached in better ways. Think about it. We can teach people how to rule with love and humility if we have Khalistan. Because Khalistan will set an example for them. Khalistan means freedom of religion for the Sikhs. Why would Sikhs ask for freedom of religion if there was no interference in Sikhism by the Indian government? Without Khalistan we can hardly survive let alone having the responsibility of preaching to others. We can't even solve our own issues and Sikhnet is talking about solving world issues and serving the humanity. Thousands of Sikhs were killed in 1984 and their families received no support from anyone. Shouldn't we take care of our people first and then set an example for others and teach them how to do it? For example, If I drink alcohol and tell someone else not to drink it, would he listen to me? It will be all in vain. We need to do it first which means taking care of those orphans whose parents sacrificed for the Sikh faith. Have Sikhnet people served those people yet? They live in America. What do they know about situation of Punjab and Sikhs living there? They are definitely not serving people living in many third world countries. Besides, they have already separated themselves from the rest of the world by living in America. If Khalistan divides people then they are divided already because America is also separated from other countries. American government sent air force to Afghanistan that bombed many cities and killed many innocent people. Have Sikhnet people taught anything to their own government yet? Their own government divided them and separated them from the rest of the world. How can we preach freedom of religion if we are not free and don't have freedom of religion. As I have stated in beginning that Guru Gobind Singh Ji said in his own words "Raj Bina Nahin Dharam Chale Hain, Dharam Bina Sab Dalle Malle Hain" means sovereignty is a MUST in order for a religion to survive otherwise religion perishes. Now should we listen to Sikhnet people and anti Khalistan people or Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Sikhism is a way of life which says religion, science and politics are together. That's why Akaal Takhat Sahib stands in front of Darbar Sahib. I just don't know how can Khalistan distract them from doing anything that Sikhi requires.
"All Sikhs-regardless of what their cultural background-recognize the line as saying, "Khalsa shall rule." The question is-in what manner will they rule? The ruler ship of Khalsa is not one of physical might, but one of spiritual sovereignty."
Very true, but Bhai Sahib Bhai Randheer Singh Ji, Baba Nand Singh Ji, Sant Gurbachan Singh Ji Bhindranwale and many other saints have said that Khalsa Rule of the world shall come through humility. A Khalsa rules over his five thieves and maya which makes him a spiritual ruler. This means there is a spiritual sovereignty. If we look at Sikhs of 18th century, we find that each and every one of them was a real Sikh and Khalsa. They were real Sikhs who had total control over five thieves because they had reached the highest level of spirituality. So they were ruling spiritually already. The problem with the above interpretation is that it implies that no Khalsa has been capable of spiritual sovereignty because it says Khalsa will rule spiritually. Another question rises from this interpretation. It also implies that Sikhs have been reading "Raj Karega Khalsa" for over 300 years and they had been unable to understand its true meanings until these "White Sikhs" came along. This is very wrong. All Sikhs knew what it meant. Only Khalsa is qualified for sovereignty. Now, if we look at the Shabad clearly, we find that "Khalsa" is referred to the whole Panth not a single person. Because a Khalsa who becomes one with the Guru and has total control over five thieves has spiritual sovereignty already. So it must be referring to the whole Panth. When the whole Panth gets together and wakes up in the morning to do Naam Simran, Khalsa Raj will come and there is no doubt about it. I don't say it, many respected Saints in the Panth have said it. Bhai Rama Singh Ji from England has said the same thing and it is well written in his book. Guru Ji has given us the Raj but are we well qualified or capable of ruling? The only way Khalsa is qualified to rule is when Khalsa does Naam Simran and follows the Rehat Maryada of Guru Ji. Today Sikhs are not doing that. Most of Sikhs do not even take Amrit. So are we qualified? No we are not. Sikhnet people have no understanding about the Sikh history of 18th century.
"Being a Sikh in Northern India is both a cultural ethnicity and a spiritual identity. Because of that-there are a lot of issues that you face in the Punjab related to politics, society and culture. Those of us who have become Sikhs in the West already have a cultural and political identity. However, Sikhs in the Punjab have political, social and economic challenges to face. Because of that, you connect very strongly with Guru Gobind Singh's message of standing up to tyranny and becoming sovereign over your own life. We firmly believe that when people are willing to live in tune with the Will of God, then all these social, political and economic injustices will automatically come back into balance. But as long as people do not live surrendered to the Will of God, the imbalances will continue. If it God's will that the Sikhs have an independent state, then all you need to do is meditate and learn how to surrender yourself to God's Will and by His hand, without any effort from your ego, it shall happen."
There are many problems with the above statements. First they say they don't support dividing people but now they say "It is not their issue that Punjabi Sikhs are being killed in India." When a person takes Amrit he loses his own identity and his caste. After taking Amrit he/she belongs to Anandpur Sahib and his father is Guru Gobind Singh Ji and mother Mata Sahib Kaur Ji. Anandpur Sahib is in Punjab. So either you belong to Punjab or you belong to America. According to the above statement Sikhnet people do not want to belong to Anandpur Sahib. They say they already have a culture but American culture is so anti-Sikh. Just look at it. Does American culture fit in Sikh religion? Not at all. When you become a Sikh your identity either political or spiritual becomes one. So there is no point in saying that they have different political identity. There is no political system better than Akal Takhat's Sahib which was set up by Guru Ji. By saying they already have a political identity they mean that they don't belong to political system of Guru Gobind Singh instead they belong to American politics which is created by humans. Once you are 21 you can legally buy drugs and smoke tobacco in America. This is the American law. Is this the identity they belong to???? Use of tobacco and drugs is prohibited in Sikhi and is against Sikh principles but American political laws legalized it. If you are a Sikh, you belong to Anandpur Sahib and the highest political authority for you becomes Akaal Takhat Sahib. Did Panj Pyare not tell them this or they are sticking with American political system on purpose? Sikhs are connected with Akaal Takhat Sahib just as the Catholics are connected with the Vatican.
Sikhs are not fighting because they want to rule over others. They are fighting for the truth because Indian government attacked Golden temple and killed thousands of Sikhs. Khalsa is fighting against oppression. Khalistan is not about political issues. It is about religious freedom. Guru Ji taught us to fight for the truth and for justice. Did Guru Ji not fight for justice? He did and so is His Khalsa. Sikhs in the 18th century fought for truth and the right cause. Did they not live in tune with will of God? Guru Gobind Singh Ji fought against oppression because Guru Ji said "When all other means have failed, it is your right to raise arms and fight for your rights." This is exactly what Sikhs are doing. We have to be both Saints and Warriors. Practicing Naam Simran and fighting against oppression at the same time is what Guru Ji has taught us. Guru Gobind Singh Ji said that sovereignty is a MUST for a religion otherwise it perishes. Do they have different interpretation of this? If the only purpose of Sikhi is to meditate and accept the will of God then what was the point of building Akaal Takhat Sahib?
The whole point is to fight for the truth while doing Naam Simran and following Sikhi. Besides, fighting for justice and righteousness is part of Sikhi which they are not following. A Khalsa should fight his inner thieves and outer thieves. If you don't fight then anyone can take over you. If everything is only about meditating then Guru Nanak Dev Ji wouldn't speak against Babur. Babur didn't do anything to Guru Ji but Guru Ji spoke for human rights and the truth. Why didn't Guru Ji just say "these are not my issues. I am not being harmed. If others are being harmed then its not my problem?" Why didn't Guru Ji say this if this is the right way? Why didn't Guru Nanak Dev Ji wait for God to end the whole oppression? Why did Guru Ji have to speak for the people?
Why should we wait for God to do something? "God helps those who help themselves" (Benjamin Franklin-an American politician and forefather). This is very true. If we should wait for God to do something then why didn't Guru Ji wait for God to do something? Why did Guru Ji fight? Why did Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji sacrifice to save the Hindu religion? He could've waited for God to fix the whole problem but He didn't because Guru Ji knew it was not the right way. If we just sit back and start doing Naam Simran then anyone would be able to crush us. Guru Ji made us Saint-Warriors. So where is the warrior spirit in Sikhnet people? God gave us two hands and Kirpan is given by Guru Gobind Singh Ji and we have to fight for our rights with our hands if it comes to it. Sikhs are instructed to make their own destiny not to just sit back and wait for God to do it. Then what would be the purpose of God given hands? For example, look at Jews. They are accepting the will of God but there are less Jews in the world than Sikhs. Did they not accept will of God in WW2 in which they lost 6 million of their people? Had they fought using their hands, the outcome of the holocaust may be different. They have suffered for over 5000 years but if they had fought against oppression it would have been a lot different.
The Indian government's plan was to go to every village to kill Sikhs which was called Operation Wood Rose but the Sikh army rebelled and government's attention turned to rebellions, otherwise they would've killed all Sikhs. I speak for human rights whether it be Sikhs or Jews or Christians. I think the Sikhnet people are missing the whole point. By the time they realize the truth, it will be too late but Khalsa Shall Rule. Punjab belongs to us and we will rule it. I want to ask them one question: If the whole American government turns against them (Sikhnet people) and their children are killed in the streets, men are burnt alive, women are dishonored and the government doesn't punish the criminals, would they still say that they are proud to be Americans or would they rather support a separate country? Would they still live among those who killed them? Would they raise a sword and fight like Guru Gobind Singh Ji has taught us or they rather spend their time in serving the criminals and not fight for justice? Or would they just forget about the whole thing, get themselves killed and wait for God to do something? Guru Ji said "Soora So Pehchaniye Jo Lare Deen Ke Haith" which literally means "Brave are those who fight for truth and justice with honor and valor." So why shouldn't we fight to protect our faith? If we should wait for God to do it then why did Guru Ji say these lines? Just for the heck of it? Think about it. Perhaps they should get themselves out of the trap of pacifist thinking and think about the teaching of Gurus only for a moment. We are responsible for our own actions and for doing good and bad things.
The Sikhnet people say they belong to America but their own government doesn't recognize them. September 11 was a very bad disaster for Sikhs. How many Americans know about Sikhi? These Americans killed Sikhs. Sikhs were attacked all over the country (look at attacks on Sikhs http://www.attacksonsikhs.com/viewreports.cfm). If there was a Sikh country to back up the foreign Sikhs and to give them support, this wouldn't have happened. Sikhs should always wear a Kirpan but Sikhs are not allowed to wear Kirpans on airplanes, and other government places. Not even in most schools. Sikhs have been living in America for over 100 years and yet American government hasn't understood the significance of Kirpan and they never will until there is a country that represents Sikhs. Sikhs are not admitted in the army and police. In America, which is the most democratic country in the world, Sikhs are being discriminated. In Khalistan Sikhs will be allowed to wear Kirpans everywhere and only then the world would learn about the true message of Sikhi.
If there was a Sikh country, no one would have attacked Gurdwaras and killed Sikhs. If there was a Sikh country, the situation would have been different and Punjab wouldn't be stuck between the nuclear war of India and Pakistan. If there is a war, the whole of Punjab will be destroyed. How does their community service help solving the real problems of Sikhs? The Indian government is spending billions of rupees to bring Sikhism into the fold of Hinduism. How does their community service help Sikhs to stop Indian government, RSS and Noormahals from attacking their Sikh brothers in Punjab and India? How?
Sikhs are fighting to keep their distinction and appearance, to save their religion and to keep Sikhi alive. If that means a separate country then why not? It doesn't mean we want to divide the world but shouldn't we think about securing Sikh faith first and all the virtues it stands for? If the Indian government doesn't like us and doesn't want to live with Sikhs, then why shouldn't we just be separated? When we gain power we can promote Sikhi and teach the message of the Gurus and universal brotherhood. Can this not be done? Khalistan is not for bad purpose. When I ask any non-Punjabi Sikh about Khalistan, the vast majority have the same answer that they don't want to be separated or wouldn't want to move to Khalistan. But who says you have to move. Sikhs will still live in other countries. But most of Sikhnet people reply in exactly the same words. Sounds like they need to learn the true purpose of fighting. Perhaps they are sticking with community service a whole lot but what if those people we want to help turn against us, should we not fight to defend ourselves? If yes, then that's exactly what Sikhs are doing. If no, then that is not Sikhi.
Now some general questions from Punjabi people. These are the people who are not Amritdhari. They don't practice Sikhism at all. They eat meat, drink alcohol, smoke and do everything that is prohibited by Gurus and yet they call themselves Sikhs. Before I go into their questions, I want to say that only an Amritdhari person is a Sikh. One who follows Guru's teaching is a Sikh and Khalistan is for Sikhs. Everyone will have religious freedom but people who commit adultery, smoke, drink alcohol etc. will not be allowed to live there because not only Sikhism but also all religions prohibit these things.
How would Khalistan survive economically?
Well, how did India and Pakistan survive after independence? UAE gained its independence in 1971 and it is surviving. Same way Khalistan will survive but it will not be a third world country because Sikhs are very hard working people. Punjab is a cultivated land and it provides most of the food for India. Punjab produces corn, wheat, sugarcanes, sporting goods, clothing, industrial material and many other commodities. Khalistani government will keep this stuff as much as it needs and the rest will be shipped out to other countries as a trade and in return oil and other necessities will be bought. No one in Khalistan will die out of hunger because if Punjab can provide food for 90% of the Indian population then it surely can provide food for everyone in Khalistan because the population in Khalistan will be a lot less than Indian population.
Who will be the leader of Khalistan?
Panj Pyare will be the leaders of Khalistan. Elections will be held every four years and people will choose Panj Pyare. These Panj Pyare will rule under the authority of Akaal Takhat Sahib. Every city will have Panj Pyare as its leader. There will be no bad leaders in Khalistan because when Khalsa Panth starts doing Naam Simran in the morning, it will gain spiritual power which no one will be able to destroy. Foundation of Khalistan will be laid upon the power of Naam Simran. Guru Gobind Singh Ji said "When Khalsa starts following the true path of the Guru Granth Sahib and abandons all the bad things, I will give them sovereignty." So when the time for Khalistan comes, every Sikh will be a true Sikh and there will be no bad people in Sikhism. Guru Ji said "Raaj Karega Khalsa Aakki Rahe Na Koe" which means Khalsa shall rule and there will be no one against Khalsa. Khalsa Raj (Khalistan) shall come for sure. Khalistan will be a true Khalsa Raj.
What about sea ports?
There are 42 landlocked countries in the world that are surviving. To say or think that just because of lack of seaport Khalistan will not survive is irrational. There are many third world countries that have sea ports such as Sri Lanka, and Brazil. Landlocked countries are helped by their neighboring countries that have seaports. In return these countries get money and/or something else in exchange. There are numerous possibilities in business. We can use Pakistan’s and/or India’s seaports. I don’t think there is any country that does not want to do business and make profit. How exactly would this work depends on the future, circumstances and situations. Oil can also be imported through India or Pakistan. United Nations is working on passing a treaty that would help landlocked countries get access to seaports. We can survive without a seaport.
What would happen if there is war between Pakistan and India?
Khalistan will be a neutral country and will be a buffer state between the two countries. With Khalistan as a buffer state both countries will feel safe from each other. Neither Pakistan nor India would dare to step on Khalistan's boundaries. India has fought two wars with Pakistan and every time Pakistan was defeated because only Sikhs fought on the boundaries of Punjab. Sikhs are a martial race. British recognized that soon after Punjab was annexed. Guru Gobind Singh Ji made Sikhs saint-warriors. Sikhs in Khalistan will be true saints and warriors. They will have power of Naam Simran because they will free Khalistan on the power of Naam Simran and one who has this power is never afraid of anyone other than God. By doing Nam Simran one never fears death. We have numerous example from the 18th century. Sikh country will be very powerful and Pakistan would not try to mess with it. Hindus can't fight, so there is no question that Indian government will ever dream of attacking Khalistan. If there is war between India and Pakistan, they will have to fight it outside of Sikh territory.
What about control over Gurdwaras outside of Khalistan?
Well, all the Gurdwaras will be directly controlled by the Khalistani government run under Akaal Takhat Sahib. Currently, Indian government is not doing anything about the Gurdwaras in Pakistan, Afghanistan and other countries because the Indian government doesn't want Sikhs to be attached with their Gurdwaras. Indian government thinks the only way to destroy Sikhism is to keep Sikhs away from Guru Granth Sahib's message and the Gurdwaras. Gurdwaras outside of India are still standing without the support of Indian government but when there is Khalistan, the government will do its best to take care of these holy places and agreements will be made with the other countries that would give us the direct control over the Gurdwaras. We can negotiate with Pakistani government and have control over our Gurdwaras and they can have control over their mosques. We will negotiate with Pakistani government to give us the control over Sikh Gurdwaras. Committees will be established to manage these Gurdwaras. Monthly reports will be submitted to the officials (not necessarily to the federal government). The money of the Gurdwaras will be spent in managing the Gurdwaras, Sikh schools, parchaar, helping the poor and needy.
There is no constitution?
Yes, there is but people just never search for it. Khalistan will be totally based on the principles of Sikhi. Gurbani is the constitution. There is not and can never be a better constitution than Gurbani. Guru Ji wrote this constitution more than 400 years ago. But look at the reality. Constitution of the USA was written ten years after thirteen colonies gained independence. Constitution of India was written three years after it gained independence. If these countries can write their constitution after independence then why can't we? No country is perfect. Every country has loopholes in its laws and policies so expecting flawless plans and policies from Khalistanis is not realistic. Laws can be changed. India has amended its constitution many times. So, do not expect a perfect constitution and policies from Khalistan.
We should free it peacefully?
Guru Gobind Singh Ji said "Koi Kisi Ko Raaj Na Dehain, Jo Lehain Nij Bal Se Lehain" which means "no one gives one freedom and sovereignty, the only way to gain independence is by through power." So is Guru Ji wrong? No definitely not. Thousands Sikhs were killed because they did not have arms and weapons to defend them from mobs. Had they had weapons they would have protected themselves just like couple of Sikhs protected Sees Ganj Sahib Gurdwara in Delhi from four thousand Hindus by taking up arms. Power is not just war with weapons but also war with the pen, intellect, diplomacy and justice. Sikhs lack these today which is why Sikhs need Khalistan.
Some people say that their families were killed on the name of Khalistan so they don't support it. But they should look at the facts. If there was Khalistan their families would have never  gotten killed. Also, their families were killed because they were Sikhs. Five thousand Sikhs didn't support Khalistan when they were killed in the streets. They were killed because they were Sikhs. Indian government just used the name of Khalistan as an excuse but in reality Indian government never liked any Sikh whether he was Khalistani or Indian.
Some people ask What does Khalistan mean for Sikhs in foreign countries? Well, the answer is simple. Khalistan will play a great role in the lives of foreign Sikhs. A strong country will represent them and will preach Sikhi. Foreign countries will understand the true meaning of Kirpan and Sikhs will be allowed to wear Kirpans at all places. Now, Sikhs can't wear Kirpans on airplanes, immigration office, courts and even jails. Governments will never understand the true meaning of Kirpan unless a country represents Sikhi and supports this idea. People think of Sikhi as just a sect because there is no representation of Sikhi in world's politics. Jews thought Christianity was a sect but this changed when Christians took over some countries and they became a separate religion. Khalistan will represent all Sikhs living anywhere in the world. After 9/11 a Sikh was killed in Arizona and many were attacked but the government didn't do much about it. No one even remembers that Sikh now. Khalistan will preach Sikhi and will represent Sikhi and will force the foreign governments to take control and punish the criminals. There will be less discrimination, killing and misunderstanding about Sikhi. In fact, there will be no more misunderstanding and discrimination when there is Khalistan. You will see, Khalistan will be the most powerful country in the world. I can go on but I think you understand what I mean.
Also, I think the Panthic Rehat Maryada should be one before there is Khalistan because Sikhs should be connected to each other spiritually. If we drop our differences and keep our own different Rehat Maryada then we won't become a single family. Even if we assume that after keeping our differences we manage to free Khalistan then which Rehat Maryada will be issued from Akaal Takhat Sahib? Sikhs will end up fighting with each other. Example of the thirteen colonies is a perfect example to look at. The thirteen colonies dropped their difference and defeated British. After they gained independence, they became so weak because there was no central government. They started fighting each other internally to gain more power. So I personally think we should become one first and have one Rehat Maryada. Besides, Guru Gobind Singh Ji gave us one Rehat Maryada not many.
According to the book of Bhai Rama Singh "Roop Gobind Ka, Raj Khalse Da, Sikka Sone Da" the Khalsa Raj will come for sure. He was a great person with very high spirituality. He has written many things about Khalistan. I recommend everyone to read it because it explains the true concept of Khalistan. It also explains how Khalistan will be free and how Indian government will be defeated. So if you want to learn the real truth read this book, otherwise you will miss a lot about the concept of Khalistan.
Guru Arjan Dev Ji gave the sacrifice and we became victorious. Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji gave the sacrifice, and we became victorious. Guru Gobind Singh’s entire family gave the sacrifice and we became victorious. Today, our Akal Takhat has chosen to offer itself as a sacrifice, and we shall not lose. We will get our Khalistan.
So get those doubts about Khalistan out of your minds. Khalistan will come. Sikhs will rule Punjab because Punjab belongs to Sikhs and it is their birthright. Finally I want to say Khalistan is needed for some of the following reasons:
A central government that represents Sikhs
All Sikhs of all races need a homeland
It is the duty of all Sikhs to protect Sikhi
To keep Sikhi alive by promoting it in other countries in better ways and offer PhDs of Guru Granth Sahib in Sikh universities
A peaceful life for all Sikhs which Sikhs haven't enjoyed since 1849
Freedom to wear Kirpan at all places
Complete break off from the Hindus and Bipran Ki Reet
No more discrimination, injustice and lies to Sikhs
No more oppression, holocausts and attacks on Golden Temple
No more disappearance of Sikhs in Punjab
No more killing of Sikhs in fake encounters
No more of insults of Sikh women, turban and Sikh principles
No more attacks on Sikh Gurus by Indian government's agents and many more reasons but I hope you understand now.
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
Khalistan Zindabad